Check out this article on Zdnn:
Computer junk: It's piling up
9:30 AM PT As the number of used machines take up space, computer
makers are trying to set up an industrywide scheme to promote
recycling before we're buried up to our necks in desktops.
The are so many *USEFUL* things that could be done with this computer
equipment. They don't go into that here. Like
Classic Missiles
My sister lives just down the road from several decommissioned Minuteman
Silos, they are all over the middle of Missouri. Most are unmanned. The
control center was at Knob Noster, Missouri, right down the road from
Whiteman AFB the home of the B-2's. I've seen a few scared cows when a B-2
comes by on a low level run. They were going to blow up the Minuteman Silos
but the neighbors complained about damage to the local water table because
of waste oil, fluid leakage, lubricants and hydraulic fluid. They
eventually demolished them and filled the holes with gravel. I think they
wanted to make sure that the Russians didn't think we were going to secretly
reactivate them. You could tell where they were by the little windsocks for
the helicopter, the electric transformer on a pole and the fenced square
with a gravel road leading to them. I've heard rumors that a few cattle had
close encounters with the MP's when they walked through/over the fences
looking for green grass.
I got motivated and took a few pics of it just a few minutes ago.
They can be seen at if you're interested.
SEMs are some of the coolest devices ever put together, in my opinion.
-Dave McGuire
On April 13, Tony Eros wrote:
> You've got an electron microscope? Cool! How small do those things get?
> -- Tony
> At 11:51 AM 4/13/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >On April 13, Jerome Fine wrote:
> > > Does anyone on the list run RT-11 still other than Megan Gentry?
> > > Do you tinker with the operating system code at all? Does anyone
> > > care about the RT-11 Operating System?
> >
> > I care about it; I like it quite a bit. I have a Micro 11/73
> >running v5.4, and a Kevex X-ray analyzer (an accessory to the electron
> >microscope) that has a pdp11/73 in it that runs RT-11.
> >
> >
> > -Dave McGuire
In a message dated 01-04-10 21:49:17 EDT, you write:
<< Quoting THETechnoid(a)
> I'd like to see some of your lists. I bet some of you would be
> hard pressedd to list your whole collection in a message that the
> list server would accept (too large). >>
blech, I'm traveling and can't think of what I all have. check my list at:
On April 13, Glenn Roberts wrote:
> I've been working with someone who has an old 8080-based single board
> computer he's trying to get to work. We're investigating several
> possible problems but it's starting to look like there's a problem with
> the EPROM. I have the ROM code he needs and will be checking out the
> EPROMS, but we may be faced with a need to reprogram one or both of
> these. They're the old 256 byte 1702A Intel chips (ceramic). I've only
> programmed the 27xx series but have read that the 1702's are "really
> difficult" to program. Was wondering if folks in this group could
> comment on how to proceed if/when we decide we need to reprogram one of
> these. Are there more modern plug compatible alternatives? We may also
> need to replace one or both - any sources known other than eBay?
> thanks.
Wow...the 1702A required a -47V programming pulse, as I recall.
-Dave McGuire
> Another thing I would find interesting is/are lists of what people
> are looking for..
I'm always looking for anything having to do with PDP-11s and their
peripherals. I'm unsure as to what I'm going to end up with when
the summer is over, so I can't be sure about anything specific. I
suspect my want list includes (but is not limited to):
- Any PDP-11 central processor (especially 40, 45, 70)
- RK05 (want 3+)
- RP04 (want 1-2)
- RA81
- paper-tape reader/punch
- ASR33
- VT52
Jeffrey S. Sharp
My college course in electronic instrumentation had a lab section that
used an E&L Instruments ADD 8000 for the experiments. I always wanted to
get hold of one for my own use. I felt like the one I used was mine,
anyway. They came in kit form, and since we were the first
class, we had to assemble them. They were quite unaffordable by a poor
student at the time, though. Anybody else familiar with this prototyping
system or run across one anywhere?
Here's a partial list of my collection.
I have many more just not cataloged yet..
My Favorite is the Original Commodore Pet 8K,
and Original Osborne 01 Tan case..
All my computers are working with the exception of 2 or 3..
Apple 2C Mint Monitor, Prtr,Manuals
Apple 2GS Mint Prtr,Monitor,Drive
Apple II Mint Assorted cards
Apple IIe Mint 80 col card
Apple IIe Mint DuoDisk,SCSI,Manuals
Apple Iie Platinum good Asst Cards
Apple II-plus dead Assorted Cards
Atari XE Mint Kybrd, lots games
Atari 400 Mint Many Extras + Carts
Columbia XT Portable Mint 10 Meg Hard Drive
Columbia XT Portable Dead Dual Floppy drives
Columbia XT Portable Good Dual Floppy
Columbia XT Portable Good 20 Mag HD
Corona Portable XT VGood Dual Floppy
Commodore 128 Mint Mint, Floppy, Printer
Commodore 128 Good Missing 2 keys works
Commodore 128 Ukwn Not Tested
Commodore 16 Mint Box,Cassette,Manuals
Commodore 16 Mint Box, Manuals
Commodore 64 mint Box,Manuals
Commodore 64 Mint Box,Manuals
Commodore 64SX Exec Mint Runs great
Commodore 64SX Dead Very Clean
Commodore 8032 vgood 32K Ram
Commodore Amiga 500 Mint Stock
Commodore C128D Mint W/Kybd
Commodore C128D Dead W/Kybd
Commodore Pet Good
Commodore Plus/4 Mint Box, Manuals
Commodore Plus/4 Vgood Box, Manuals
Commodore Plus/4 Mint In Box w/Manual
Commodore Vic-20 M1 Mint Box, Manuals
Commodore Vic-20 M2 Mint Box, Manuals
Compaq Portable XT mint Dual Floppy
Compaq Portable XT Mint Dual Floppy
Compaq Portable XT Good 10 MB Hard Drive
Compaq Portable XT Plus Dead 10 MB Hard Drive
Compaq Portable II 286 Mint 20 MB Hard Drive
Compaq Portable II 286 Mint 20 MB HD & Modem
Franklin Ace 1200 Mint Dual Drive, Manuals
IBM PC-Junior Mint Monitor, Expanded
IBM PC-Junior Mint Monitor
IBM PC-Junior Ukwn
IBM PC-Junior Ukwn
IBM Portable XT 5155 VGood Hard Drive, Floppy
IBM PC-XT VGood Dual Floppy,10MB HD
IBM PC-XT Mint Color,HD,20MB
Kaypro 1 Vgood Works Perfectly
Kaypro 1 Vgood Manuals Software
Kaypro 10 Good Bad Hard Drive
Kaypro 10 Vgood Works Fine
Kaypro 10 Mint Perfect all Books/Sftwre
Kaypro 16 Vgood Work Fine
Kaypro 16-F Mint Dual Floppy - Rare
Kaypro 2 Vgood Manuals, SOftware
Kaypro 2X Good Mint CP/M & Manuals
Kaypro 4-84 Mint Carrying Case
Kaypro II Mint Manuals, Carry Case
Kaypro II Good Works OK
Laser 128 Vgood Manual
Mattel Aquarius Mint Manuals, Cassette
Mattel Aquarius Good Manuals
Mattel Aquarius Mint Boxed w/All Periferals
Osborne 01-A Mint White Screen
Osborne 01-A Mint Green screen
Osborne 01-A Dead Tech Manuals
Osborne 01 Vgood Complete w/Manuals
Osborne Executive Mint Manuals, Software
Osborne Executive Poor Manuals, Software
Radio Shack CoCo 1 Good 4K,Gray,Chicklet keys
Radio Shack CoCo 1 Mint 16K, Manuals
Radio Shack CoCo 1 Good 16K Ram
Radio Shack CoCo 2 Mint 32K Ram, manuals
Radio Shack CoCo 2 Good 32K Ram
Radio Shack CoCo 2 Mint 64K Ram, Newer Kybd
Radio Shack CoCo 3 Mint 64K RAM
Radio Shack MC-10 Mint Box, Manuals,PS
Radio Shack MC-10 Mint PS
Radio Shack Model 1 Dead
Radio Shack Model 1 Mint Level II Basic 16K RAM
Radio Shack Model 100 Vgood Manual
Radio Shack Model 102 Vgood
Radio Shack Model 4 Good
Radio Shack Model 4P Mint Manuals, Software
Radio Shack Model 4P Good
Tandy 1200FD Vgood
Texas Instruments 99/4A Mint Silver/Blk
Texas Instruments 99/4A Mint Beige/Tan
Texas Instruments 99/4A Mint Mint in Box, Manual
Texas Instruments TI99 Mint Silver/Blk
Texas Instruments TI99 Mint Box,Manuals Beige
Texas Instruments TI99/4A Good Beige/Tan
TI-Expansion good Expansion Box Loaded
TI-Expansion & Manuals Mint Manuals, Everything Loaded
Timex 1000 poor Works
Zenith Z170 Mint Manual, Very Clean
Mac SE/30 Mint Clean, HD, SCSI
Mac Plus Vgood Clean
Mac Plus Vgood Clean
Mac II LC Vgood Kybds
Mac SE Vgood Clean
Mac Laptop Bad Clean
Mac 512 Vgood Clean
Mac Classic II Mint Clean, SCSI HD
I think the idea is that you dress up like a hamster and dance when you are
shocked. :)
Prepayment is usually required in some fermented beverage.
In a message dated Tue, 10 Apr 2001 7:16:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, THETechnoid(a) writes:
<< I'd like to see some of your lists. I bet some of you would be hard
pressedd to list your whole collection in a message that the list server
would accept (too large).
I'll give it a shot...
Commodore Vic-20
Commodore 16
2 Commodore 64's
3 Commodore 128's
Commodore Plus/4
Apple II+
4 Apple //e's
2 Apple IIc's
Apple IIc+
Tandy TRS-80 MC-10
P200MMX PC (Linux)
2 HP 9000/730's (HP-UX 10.20)
Sparcstation 1 (Linux)
Sparcstation 2 (clone - wish I knew who actually made it) (Linux)
Sparcstation 20 (Linux)
Vaxstation 3100 m38 (NetBSD)
486dx50 (FreeBSD)
Decstation 5000/240 (NetBSD)
Decstation 5000/125 (NetBSD)
2 Personal Decstation 5000/33's (Maxine's) (NetBSD)
2 Personal Iris 4D/35's (Irix - dunno version yet - haven't installed OS and have 2 to choose from)
TRS-80 Model 100 laptop (basic)
Toshiba t2400ct laptop (Linux)
Compaq Contura 400c laptop (Linux)
Compaq lte5100 laptop (Linux)