On Jun 1, 11:10, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Pete Turnbull wrote:
> But a lot more volumnious. But this is just my prejudice speaking. Even
> though I find HTML useful, I hate it.
It needn't be a whole lot more voluminous. The tags should be concise,
there's no need to write an essay for each part. Keywords might be a good
idea. Tags would be omitted if irrelevant (as many would be for a "raw"
archive, or for a common format with no "funnies"). So a disk descriptor
might look something like this:
{Apple ][<00>soft<00>trks:<40><00>rpm:<15><255><00>{trk:<00><00>logical<00>
---256 binary bytes---- >crc:<xx><xx><00>}}sector: [repeat as reqd]
}}{track: [repeat as reqd] }}
I can't remember some details like the size of a DOS 3.3 track or what the
sync bytes are so that's just an stylistic example.
The opening "{" marks the start of an object and is matched by a closing
"}"; braces are nested because objects are nested.
Variable-length strings like "Apple ][" are terminated by some agreed
control character (I used ASCII NUL, <00>). Numeric values are stored in
binary (actually it might make more sense to store them in ASCII where they
follow a string description, but probably not for a block of sector data).
So "rpm" is stored as a 2-byte representation of 360. Hmm, we'd need to
decide if it's little-endian or big-endian -- or add another tag!
> > a problem? The tags don't all need to be ASCII text, things like the
> > sector size could be integers, and field lengths could be limited. I'd
> > envisage something like nested objects (borrowing from Sellam's
> > later mail):
> I don't like the idea of storing the actual sector data as text though.
I hadn't meant to imply that; I mean you could hexify it if you wanted, but
I don't see any need. Actually one of the things I was thinking of earlier
today, was Acorn's "DrawFile" format, which uses similar objects, but the
data is still binary (it's a computer program that reads the data, not a
human). If a human really did need to read it, you could always use a hex
> I guess in this
> day and age it doesn't matter much anymore but when I was growing up you
> had to make every byte count, and I know more than 95% of us here can
> relate to that.
Yup, I was too, but I think here the benefits greatly outweigh the
disadvantage of extra storage requirement. We want this to be as useful as
possible, and the easier it is to use for unexpected formats (to create
*and* to read), the more it will get used.
> > It also
> > means that if the database is lost, damaged, incomplete or otherwise
> > inaccesible, an archive can still be understood, and there's no chance
> > inconsistency because two people tried to add new formats at about the
> > time, or someone rolled their own.
> I agree with that. Human readability is definitely a compelling
> as is the elimination of the need for a centralized database of system
> descriptions.
It would still be good to have a central repository. At the very least, it
would allow those who know where to look, to see what has already been
dealt with, and save a lot of design effort if the format they want is
already there. It would be the place to store the explanation of the tag
system. Plus, the bigger it gets, the more it will encourage others to
archive their treasures, too.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
>I also like the inductive matrix ROM used in the HP9100. It works by the
>coupling between 512 address tracks and 64 data loops in a 14 layer (?)
>PCB. The PCB is about 4" square and stores 512 words, each one 64 bits
>long. It is _very_ reliable -- 9100s are now about 30 years old, and
>while I've had to replace transistors and diodes in them, I've never
>heard of the ROM failing.
I Gotta get me one of those, they are so likeable.
On May 31, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> Of course since I have a 60Mhz RS/6000 on my desk at work and refuse to
> give it up for a state of the art single or dual processor PC my opinions
> of acceptable speed might be a little outside the norm :^)
> Remember for most things stability is more important that speed.
While I agree 100%, it would seem that the unfortunate proliferation
of PeeCees have all but killed that mindset. I suspect that most of
us fight very hard to keep it alive.
But...on the term "acceptable speed"...isn't that completely
subjective? I mean, what's acceptable to you might be too slow for
Joe Blow, or uselessly fast for Jane Doe...Intel would have us believe
that we all do the exact same thing with our computers, and that the
only possible thing that we should find acceptable is *their* brand of
high-performance...i.e. blindingly fast until you try to do more than
one thing at a time, then it goes into the toilet.
Man, if your RS/6000 does the job, and you like it, then keep it,
and more power to you!
-Dave McGuire
>Nice little summary article.
>From that:
>When Mattel demonstrated this computer at a trade show >in 1983, employees
>had to conceal one of the keys with >masking tape. For some bizarre reason
>known only to >Matte l engineers, the Aquarius had a convenient key >that
>instantly rebooted the computer and wiped out all >your data."
>It was called the RESET key and I hated it. They at >least designed a
>little ridge around it so it was harder >to accidentally press. However, I
>remember you could do >a CTRL-C or some other control key sequence and
>"undo" >the RESET (basially it would cancel the reset and put >you back
>where you just were).
>When you first turned the Aquarius on, you had a little >intro screen that
>said whatever, something like "Mattel >Aquarius" ... "Press any key to
>continue". When you >pressed a key it initialized BASIC and plopped you
>into a prompt.
>Pressing the RESET key apparently didn't erase the >memory but just took
>you to the initial startup screen, >so it was made possible to back out of
>a RESET using the >control key sequence.
>Sellam International Man >of Intrigue and
>Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
> Coming soon: VCF 4.0!
> VCF East: Planning in Progress
> See http://www.vintage.org for >details!
One thing I'm surprised that did not make it onto that list it the Macintosh
Portable (it probably was #21 or thereabouts). If the DG/1 required Superman
to pick it up, I don't want to know who they would have required to pick it
David Vohs, Digital Archaeologist & Computer Historian.
Home page: http://www.geocities.com/netsurfer_x1/
Computer Collection:
"Triumph": Commodore 64C, 1802, 1541, FSD-1, GeoRAM 512, Okimate 20.
"Leela": Macintosh 128 (Plus upgrade), Nova SCSI HDD, Imagewriter II.
"Delorean": TI-99/4A.
"Monolith": Apple Macintosh Portable.
"Spectrum": Tandy Color Computer 3.
"Boombox": Sharp PC-7000.
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
On Jun 1, 13:33, Doug Coward wrote:
> 2. About 1982 I started hearing that it was possible to
> build a camera for your pc by "cooking" an EPROM under
> UV light for an extended period until the memory cells
> were still light sensitive but would no long hold a
> charge. Then by placing a len over the EPROM's window,
> you had a real time low-res video image mapped right into
> memory. Again this is one that quite a few people had
> heard about but no one knew anyone that had ever done it.
I've not heard of an EPROM used this way, but DRAMs certainly have been.
It's possible, with care, to remove the metal lid from some
ceramic-packaged DRAMs and add a lens. The memory cells are light
sensitive; the more light, the faster the charge leaks away, so the scheme
is to write 1's into all locations, pause, then read them back.
Unfortunately, on most DRAMs, the relationship between logical address and
physical location in the array is not simply "add 256 for the next row", so
some decoding is necessary. However, at least one DRAM does have such a
simple mapping, and was sold for the purpose. I'm sure it was described in
one of Steve Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar articles in Byte, around 1982, but I
can't find it amongst my reprints. Anyone?
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Well, if you seek to install VMS 5.2, then you have no problem... simply
kindly ask me for the use of my VMS 5.2 RL02 stand-alone backup cartridge,
never used, was sealed in the box when I got it... And no, the shock meter
was NOT red ;p
Will J
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
Welllll... as for the whacked out missing-corner looking disks, I can
confirm this... I have an ancient Memorex 651 floppy disk drive, and this
thing is circa 1973-74.. And those are the disks it uses... it CANNOT use
"normal" disks. FYI, there are at least two types of those disks, FD IV and
FD V, not sure what the diff is but I will look it up in the manual later
tonight. I have around 40 or so of those weird disks... They are also
notable (IMHO) for being freakishly colored... Indeed, you can easily tell
FD IV's and FD V's apart by the fact that FD IV disks are icky 70's orange,
while FD V disks are a funky dark blue sort of color. I actually have 3
other clone disks from Information Terminals (the chicken company!) too, but
I couldn't tell ya if they're FD IV or FD V clones..
Will J
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
Sounds like a video frame grabber to me...
-Dave McGuire
On June 1, Stan Perkins wrote:
> Hello all,
> I just came across this small PCI type board, labeled:
> 820-0510-A c1993
> It also has a chip on it with the label:
> 341S0021
> c 1983-93 Apple
> ^
> |
> |-----That's why I'm hoping it's old enough to qualify :-)
> Anyway, on one side of the PCB it's got four large quad flat pack chips,
> from Philips, TI, VLSI, and BT, and on the other side (with the Apple
> labeled chip I mentioned earlier) it has two rows of 8 each Toshiba
> TC528128BJ-80 RAM chips. On the back end it has a DB-15F connector (like
> the old Apple monitor connector) and two round DIN connectors labeled "S
> IN" and "S OUT" with 7 female contacts each.
> It came in a box labeled DOS Compatibility Card for Macintosh, but I'm
> beginning to think it's not.
> Any clues are greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Stan
On Jun 1, 16:34, John Wilson wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 11:12:11AM -0700, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> >Insert "Disk Side (Head)" (1 byte)
> Hard or soft head number? I feel sure I ran into a format (Commodore?)
> the sector headers had the opposite head numbers to the side on which
> were actually recorded.
This is also true on some Acorn disks, and I'm sure I've run across it
elsewhere, where the "head" value encoded in each sector header is always
"0", because the second side is treated as tracks 80-159 instead of each
cylinder being two tracks distinguished by head number.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Coward <dcoward(a)pressstart.com>
To: classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
Date: Thursday, June 01, 2000 2:41 PM
Subject: Tech Rumors/Legends?
>Hi All,
> One the nice things about this list is the variety of
>first hand experience that can be called upon to clear
>up those nagging second hand rumors that you keep dragging
>around for years, unable to track down a definitive answer.
>Up for review:
>1. "The person that designed the Mindset PC later designed
>the Amiga." I realize that computers like the Amiga are not
>designed by just one person, but does anyone know anything
>about the people that helped design these computers?
I've never heard of the Mindset PC, but the Amiga story is very nicely told
at The Amiga Interactive Guide, at www.amiga.emugaming.com . Follow the
Features link, and see "Amiga History" and "The Amiga Corporation 1982-84".
Although a team of designers was involved, the person generally credited as
"the father of the Amiga" is the late Jay Miner, who came from Atari Corp.
via Xymos.