test-drb December 2000

  • 192 participants
  • 490 discussions

World's Crappiest Drives (was Re: A&J Microdrive)
by dhquebbeman@theestopinalgroup.com
24 years, 1 month

RS/6000 needs to be rescued.
by harrison@timharrison.com
24 years, 1 month

Epson QX-16 needs new home
by vcf@siconic.com
24 years, 1 month

manual available for free - pcjr
by jwest@mppw.com
24 years, 1 month

Bytronix B435 disk controller
by bkr@WildHareComputers.com
24 years, 1 month

68040 cpu needed
by jhellige@earthlink.net
24 years, 1 month

CDC Sabre information
by dhquebbeman@theestopinalgroup.com
24 years, 1 month

IBM cash register displays
by JRichardson@softwright.co.uk
24 years, 1 month

UK relays
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
24 years, 1 month

2.88 mb floppy drives
by fauradon@mn.mediaone.net
24 years, 1 month
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