test-drb December 2000

  • 192 participants
  • 490 discussions

ldb4401 can be replaced by .....?
by General@cyber.net.pk
23 years, 8 months

Who collects (reads the mailing list...?) vintage computers in Quebec
by Mzthompson@aol.com
23 years, 8 months

storage media
by Scott.Miller@vandenberg.af.mil
23 years, 9 months

Moving data to an Apple II
by eweidenh1@hotmail.com
23 years, 10 months

First computer singing
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
23 years, 10 months

$3551 Sol???
by bills@adrenaline.com
23 years, 10 months

Searching for PS/2-E (9533-DB7) reference diskette
by ethan_dicks@yahoo.com
23 years, 11 months

Dayton Hamvention?
by ethan_dicks@yahoo.com
23 years, 11 months

Old SGI's?!
by LFessen106@aol.com
23 years, 11 months

Nova 3 Availiable
by Innfogra@aol.com
23 years, 11 months
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