>Also, if anyone wants one of these things, $10 plus shipping. The
>is unknown since I haven't fired them up ... and they don't include
>keyboards :).
Do you know how much shipping will be?
I am getting my PDP-11/34 and my RK05 disk drives and packs tommorrow, and I have a few questions.They have have been in storage for years, and, although they have been kept dry, they are probably dusty. Can anyone tell me how to clean the drives and the disk packs before I use them?
> No not yet. I'm going to try and get the parts and make a terminal
>cable tomorrow.
You have to be REAL careful which way the pins go on that. I had to
make two of 'em because the FAQ (where I found the pin assignments)
wasn't really clear which way you should be looking at it. (They ended up
being opposite)
>>If the root password is changed, your going to be screwed without system
> I'm afraid you're right. That's the nature of Unix.
I was lucky …
[View More]on mine. All of them came from the factory with a preset password
which was *something* like "MPC" or something like that. Anyway, it should be
in the 3B2 FAQ.
[View Less]
At 01:43 AM 2/7/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Does any one know what type of printer ribbon can fit onto an original adam
>(Colecovision)printer (ginerec one I thought Was a deablo hytype but it wont
>And where to get one from I live in Castlegar, British Columbia Canada.
Try American Ink (<http://www.americanink.com/> I believe); they carry
ribbons for a lot of older printers. (Ran across them while researching
one of the computers in my collection on the web, but have known …
[View More]of them
for years; very highly recommended in local Atari circles.)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a)sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California http://www.crl.com/~sinasohn/
[View Less]
I also have a neat XT. It's not a Phillips, but a Tandy 1000. It has 768K
RAM, and a 12MHz 286 processor. Only, I still have the problem of not
being able to access the upper memory. Being a Tandy, it's even harder to
find a driver. Another setback is it's HD. It's a 20MB Western digital -
and slow as a turtle. Does anyone, by any chance, have a spare
XT-compatible IDE HD without a stepper motor driving the heads??
[View More]
> It was a neat machine for an XT. I don't recall if I ever checked to see
if it
> was using that extra memory or if it had any SW with it. My friend will
> delighted to know that he can squeeze out a little extra ram for
> DOS programs.
> ciao larry
> lwalker(a)interlog.com
[View Less]
Hello everybody.
I was wondering if anyone out there had an old Mac Portable (the Mac
laptop) that they'd want to sell. I really don't want to pay all that much
for it, and I don't need anything all that fast (I don't know all that much
about Macs), but it needs to run at least System 6.0.5. The main reason
that I'm looking for one, is that my school uses mainly Macs (the only PC's
that they have are a few XT's that you need to turn off the lights to read
the monitors), and I don't have a …
[View More]Mac. Whenever I'm working on a project,
I'm confined to the 40 minutes of classtime to get it done. I'm not
looking for a full-sized Mac, because (1) I don't have the room, and (2), I
sort of need the portability, because It's not very often that I'm at home
before 8:30 or 9:00 PM, and at that time I don't really feel like working
on stuff for school.
All I'm really asking is that it works, and can run System 6.0.5 (that's
what my school uses).
As always,
ThAnX in advance,
[View Less]
Oh, well, thinks like that do happen, and there's not much you can do about
it. I use MS-MAIL, and a lot of times, I don't even GET some of the
messages :-( I hate it, but it's all my computer will run. It seems like
every reader has it's problems.
> From: cdrmool(a)interlog.com
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: FW: Dos v2.11 apology
[View More]> Date: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 5:03 AM
> Sorry for the empty message back a bit. I understand some people were
> annoyed. Let me explain for those who don't use Pine as a mail reader.
> The cancel command ctrl-c and cancel ctrl-x are easy to mix up. Its
> as annoying as when using Telix and wanting to shell out (alt-j) and
> accidentally hang up (alt-h). Yes, you are prompted to make sure you want
> send after ctrl-x but if your not expecting it, simply expecting to
> cancel, hitting the return is done before the prompt is even seen. Also,
> being a reasonably fast typist leads to mistakes of overconfidence in
> has been typed. Remappimg the keyboard would be the obvious answer but
> after once doing so I caused new problems, so I don't bother.
> I promise it will never happen again.
> Colan
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> I can personally guarantee that that isn't the only mailer/reader your
> computer will run. Or I will shit in my hat and wear it backwards for a
> month. (If your school/job/ISP has made a decision not to allow to use
> anything better, it doesn't mean your computer can't do it).
well , it WILL run other readers, but they won't fit. I have a Cyrix P200+
w/80 MB RAM, and I had a 425 MB HD with 100 free MB, until lightning hit.
Now I'm stuck with a 100MB drive with …
[View More]5MB free. MS-mail came with IE3.2,
which was already on the 100MB drive, along with Win '95. I normally use
Outlook Express, with IE4.0, but they just won't fit on this drive :-(
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> Some 70 text lines for a 4 word response, that was already commented on
> in this thread.
> Now don't you think that's a little much !
> Larry (in indignant mode)
> lwalker(a)interlog.com
Well, I guess it's better than whoever used 0 text lines for a 0 line
response. At least with the 70 lines, you know what they're talking about.
With 0 text lines, and no response, your guess is as good as mine for what
they meant :-)