Hey folks,
While I've got a 68000/08/10/ book, I'm in need of some
documentation for the 68881 which comes built in to the 68030.
I checked at Quantum books (next to MIT - _THE_ place to check
around here) among several other technical book stores.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find it for sale
anywhere... seems like the 68k like has really died the hard
death. Soooo, if anyone has an extra copy they're interested
in selling please contact me.
John Foust said:
>I just got 21 rolls of original yellow Teletype 1" tape from
>someone on the RTTY mailing list for the cost of shipping, and I
>promised to share the wealth, so ...
Well, do you know if it's oiled or unoiled? I'm not sure but I think I
may need the oiled. I need to ask someone. My wife says that this tape I
have has the distinct smell of machine oil. It should make the punch block
last longer.
I was just going to order a 1/4 case from Western Numerical Control
(http://www.westnc.com/paptape.html). That's 7 rolls for $33.00, in
all kinds of colors. And they are close by in Grass Valley,CA.
I also want to ask them about the toxicity of paper tape. (My two
sheppards think everything is a toy for them to fight over.)
Doug Coward dcoward(a)pressstart.com
Senior Software Engineer
Press Start Inc.
Museum of Personal Computing Machinery
< Does anyone have info on a Teletek SBC-1 Z80-based single-board
<computer? Copyright is 1981. It's loaded except for RAM (from what I can
<see). It has a Z80 CPU, PIO, SIO, and CTC. There are a couple of blank
<sockets, and a TMM2016P-2 memory chip (a 2716??). It appears to be built
<a S-100 card.
First off 2016 is a byte wide ram. I sounds like someone stripped the
card. The SBC-1 was a complete Z80cpu(4 or 6mhz)/64kram/eprom/IO card
it was designed to be used as a slave to the Systemaster cpu card. The
2016 was used to create a FIFO so that block IO coul be used to
communicate with it. the only thing it lacked to be a complete S100
cp/m system on a board was disk IO. The system master card had all that
and FDC as well.
<Were they DOT MATRIX? I'll bet they're not big old noisy line printers u
<they're sound covered and about 4 feet tall.
LA120 was dot matrix and it's fame was the longest running DEC produced
printer. Reason for that, it could do 8part carbons! IT was considered
teh best vax hard copy console.
On Apr 25, 18:02, Tony Duell wrote:
> I missed a few... D11, T11, 68030, HP Saturn, 7811 (if we're counting
> embedded chips that we've never programmed :-)), 8x305, Z8, probably
> 650x and 680x chips embedded in things. Can I count the CPU array chips
> in a DAP, please <grin>.
> > However, what's surprising about these lists is not what's there, but
> > what's missing.
> What do you think I should have included? I may just have forgotten I
> used it...
I didn't quite mean that :-) I was just interested to note that some
micros that were once well-known aren't well-represented in your list, or
Allison's, or mine. Only one occurrence of the 9900, no F8, only one
Cosmac, ... Perhaps three people is just too small a sample to show all
of the ones that faded from popularity (and maybe nobody else here is
interested :-)) Not a lot of DSPs either, though of course they're more
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
I have been rearranging my storage area and uncovered a HP 1611A Logic State
Analyser fitted with a Z80 option that I picked up a few years ago.
I have no idea what one would do with this. Should I cherish it? Play with
Does one need the specific manual or are these generic and perhaps explained
in standard texts?
There are a number of plugin points for various types of probes, none of
which I have off course. It powers up fine though.
Indeed, what a haul (at least if you're into DEC stuff).
Thanks to the kindly folk at St. Martin's College about 40 miles south of
me, I am now the proud owner of:
* A PDP-11/44 and its rack...
* A Fujitsu 'Eagle' drive (and it's weight!)
* A Cipher 880 front-loader tape drive...
* Numerous distribution tapes for several versions of RSTS/E, including
one for ver. 9.7(!)...
* Various bits of documentation. Unfortunately, not a lot on RSTS itself
(much of it got trashed along with the -- get this -- distribution kit for
RSTS 10! Dang, I was pissed when I heard about that...)
And, thanks to my friends at RE-PC, I have also acquired a pair of M4 Data
model 9914 9-track SCSI tape drives. These are neat boxes! Quad density
(800/1600/3200/6250), autoloading, neat front panel with alphanumeric
display, etc.
It's been a busy weekend. Now, if you'll pardon me, I need to go collapse
and snore my brains out. ;-)
Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail: kyrrin(a)jps.net)
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
...mostly because I do not want to throw the stuff out/scrap it...
(1) Miniscribe 8425SA drive, removed from a Mac Plus. I assume it works
still, but do not quote me on that. It seemed to power up fine just a
few minutes ago. The Mac was in very poor condition, so
that got scrapped.
(1) Kaypro 81-045-02 PeeCee. This appears to be their version of the XT
(oh, joy), but unlike most clones, is a little better built. It uses no
motherboard, just a passive backplane with a CPU card. This one has a 20
meg Seagate drive and a Samsung (yuck!) CGA tube. It works, and has only
DOS 5.0 on it. The nice thing about this is that most of the chips are
(5) Ink ribbons for the IBM 5103 printer. Still sealed, these come with a
goofy plastic glove for the CE. OK, so there are probably not even five
5103s left in the world...
(1) Computer Wharehouse Store catalog, Spring-Summer 1977. SWTPC! Imsai!
Kim-1! $1200 floppy drives! A slice from the "good old days" of the micro.
The pages are a bit yellow, but in good shape. The cover is also nice, but
the previous owner scribbled his name on the top.
Really, if _anyone_ wants any of this stuff, speak up and make a SILLY
offer. I will ship anything but the Kaypro (I could deliver it to RCS/RI
in Providence, RI, however). Trades are good for the stuff as well. Not
first come first serve - I will decide "winners" in a day or two, just to
give those with restricted or slow email a chance.
William Donzelli
Carmel, NY 10512
Hello, all:
Does anyone have info on a Teletek SBC-1 Z80-based single-board
computer? Copyright is 1981. It's loaded except for RAM (from what I can
see). It has a Z80 CPU, PIO, SIO, and CTC. There are a couple of blank
sockets, and a TMM2016P-2 memory chip (a 2716??). It appears to be built on
a S-100 card.
Rich Cini/WUGNET
<nospam_rcini(a)msn.com> (remove nospam_ to use)
ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking