I had a working CMB 8032, and one day a couple years ago, saw an ad in
the paper "Wanted: CBM 8032". A couple in their 70's placed it. The
wife is a writer, and not a computer user, and only knew how to use her
CBM 8032 which was 15 years old and failing. I brought my 8032 (which I
had set up in my office, after it fell from a high shelf and put a dent
in the hood of my car) to them, swapped it out, swapped roms (mine had
some sort of add-on board) and tore-down, cleaned, and re-assemble the
keyboard for them. and off they went. I think they did have all the
manuals and stuff for the computer, disk drives, and printers.
alas, I don't have any PET computers anymore.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ethan Dicks [SMTP:erd@infinet.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 05, 1998 3:28 PM
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Vacation Finds...
> >
> > Have been on vacation since Friday and still have a couple days to
> > go... From the thrift store outlook in the area things are
> improving
> > again (I guess people are starting their pre-spring cleaning)
> >
> > What I passed up on...
> > PET 8032, 4040 dual drive.
> Agggggh! I'd *love* to replace my long-lost 8032. It was one of the
> item
> burgled from my house a while back, along with an Amiga 500 and a rare
> A500
> to 8-bit ISA adapter from Canada called "The Wedge". I _really_ wish
> I
> had that... it was built for a WX-1 MFM controller (or a DTC 5160 RLL
> controller), but would work perfectly for an 8-bit Ethernet card.
> Anyway, rambling aside, where are you on vacation and is the PET still
> there?
> -ethan
> ObBIO: 31, Male, collect 1802/6502/68000/PDP-8/PDP-11/VAX/SPARC.
> Started
> with the PET and Elf in 1977. Have spare Apple ][, C-64, Amiga and
> parts/systems for trade. My rarest find is probably my tiny
> collection of
> 4004 CPUs and support chips.
Hello all... me again.
I apologize for writing twice in one day, but I've requested "Digest mode"
and am finding several topics I can respond to. I should've waited before
sending the previous message, but will now be aware of this and will cover
ALL current topics of my interest in this ONE note, to save you all the
pain of seeing SEVERAL messages from me. (If you'd RATHER have several
separate messages, someone just say so...)
1) Joe <rigdonj(a)intellistar.net> quotes a message quoted by someone else,
in which the original author says that "... it's the HP25 that I still
prefer..." Original author, whoever you are, I wanted to let you know
that I have a set of original manuals and -- if I can still FIND it --
the AC adapter, left over when my own HP25 was stolen from me one day
in high school -- circa 1978... If you're interested in these items,
e-mail me.
2) At a Hamfest last spring I acquired a TI calculator -- I forget the model
number right off; I wasn't expecting to talk about this today, but it's
the programmable one that reads-and-writes those magnetic cards -- along
with programming manual(s) and the external PRINTER, not to mention a
fistful of the magcards. The only trouble is, instructions stored in
program memory randomly get altered, i.e. the memory is no longer reli-
able (hmm, just like ME!). Is it "just old," and there nothing that can
be done? Or can it be repaired? Much obliged, for any info anyone can
3) At that same Hamfest last spring, some guy found out I was "into" calcu-
lators, HP in particular (notwithstanding that TI-whatever I'd just bought),
and talked my ear off about some "latest and greatest" HP calculator that
"did it all," allowing you to mix "ordinary" calculator statements, BASIC,
and C syntax "all on one program line," among many other things. I have
forgotten the model number, so if anyone recognizes this description and
can TELL me the model number, and of course where to find out more about
the thing, I'd really appreciate it.
4) My HP-33C battery doesn't hold a charge anymore; please advise. Joe Rig-
5) Re: that uVAX stuff I mentioned in my PREVIOUS message: I'd be MOST inter-
ested in anyone who could trade "my" stuff in London, for "his" set of the
"same" stuff in the US! I can provide a more detailed itemization of what
I have.
Chris Chiesa
Hi. I'm new. But enough chatter. I see Bruce Lane <kyrrin(a)jps.net> is
interested in uVAX II GPX video boards... That brings to mind the set
of VCB02 boards-cables-and-keyboards which I've got "stranded" in London
after a failed attempt to get them to Rochester, NY, from mid-Scotland
"on the cheap." I'd love to hear from anybody who a) can get them from
London to Rochester (or even just to the USA) cheap or free, or b) is IN
or NEAR London and has an interest in them and something to trade which
is already IN the USA... I know this is a long shot, but hey, I had to
make a grand, if weird, entrance...
Chris Chiesa
In a message dated 98-03-06 02:26:00 EST, you write:
<< In a message dated 3/6/98 1:00:49 AM Central Standard Time, dastar(a)wco.com
<< I believe there was an upgrade kit that came out a short while after the
//gs was introduced that allowed one to upgrade their //e to a //gs.
>> >>
yes, and the upgrade cost $500. i have a magazine article about it.
>> Well I don't know of a dos based 8080 disassembler but... There are
>> several dos based programs that can emulate a 8080/z80 and run a any of
>> the existing 8080 disassemblers.
I have found several 8080A disassemblers. They are relatively easy to find
using search engines such as AltaVista - but I will be happy to forward URLs
to anyone who has trouble. THere are several sites with loads of
disassemblers and assemblers for all platforms.
In addition to the previous Apple/mac items message, I also have the
following fine machine for sale or trade:
--MAC 512k system which includes cpu/monitor unit with original 400k
internal floppy, enhanced keyboard, mouse, printer, manuals, software
and applicable cables. The unit was owned by a friend of mine since new
and only needs a repair or replace of the floppy drive as it's getting
old and sometimes doesn't read the disk, does other times. Great
condition otherwise.
Entire set $75.00 plus shipping or will consider trades (as mentioned in
previous) or other PC compatible parts. I'll also include text on
upgrading RAM to 1mb using common DRAMs piggybacked.
Contact me if interested by direct reply...
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
Phone: (502) 756-1749 / Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
Email: rhblake(a)bbtel.com or rhblake(a)bigfoot.com
Website: http://members.tripod.com/~RHBLAKE/
* Parts/Service/Upgrades and more for MOST Computers*
To update everyone, the Vector 3 has a new home and is on it's way
there. I have the following Apple components for sale but will trade as
well. You have to pay shipping though either way.
* Apple ImageWriter II color dot matrix printer with good color ribbon
and mini-din to 25 pin sub-d male adapter cable. The printer itself has
a female mini-din connector. $40.00 plus shipping
* Apple 5.25" external floppy drive set. Two drives that chain together,
marked Drive 1 and Drive 2. Excellent condition. $25.00 plus shipping
* SIMMS - 30 pin 1 mb non parity for Apple and Macs that utilize 30 pin
SIMMs, not SIPPs or DRAMs. I have 8 of these. Seimens type with 5 large
chips and two small chips. $8.00 for the set or even swap for 8 PC
compatible 1mb 30 pin type.
Items I might trade for:
-CDROM drives, internal or external. IDE, SCSI or proprietary.
Proprietary drives MUST include applicable adapter card. All should have
any available manuals and software if possible.
-Sound cards. MCA, ISA, VLB, etc. 8 bit or 16. Again, it would be best
to have any available software or manuals if possible.
-SIMM memory - 30 or 72 pin parity or non-parity, but MUST be useful in
PC's and compatibles. I have no use for the Apple/mac types (hence the
sale of the above).
-486 motherboards, with processor.
EMAIL directly to me for more info...
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
Phone: (502) 756-1749 / Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
Email: rhblake(a)bbtel.com or rhblake(a)bigfoot.com
Website: http://members.tripod.com/~RHBLAKE/
* Parts/Service/Upgrades and more for MOST Computers*
OK, I'm back from JPS Internet. Neat service!
Now... based on the latest digest I got, it appears that someone (I'm not
clear just who it is) has some MicroVAX II GPX video boards, cable, and
mouse available for trade. Please get in touch with me if these are still
available. The cable alone is worth the effort for me to obtain.
Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail: kyrrin(a)jps.net)
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Sam Ismail said:
>It seems that a lot of you blokes down under have Sorcerers. Were they
>marketed a lot more "down there" than they were in the US? They are not
>very common over here.
I remember the first time I saw a Sorcerer. It was August or September
1979. I was just out of the Navy, working at TODD shipyards in Seattle.
I was downtown and there in the front window of a computer store was
a Sorcerer run a hi-res demo of liquid flowing out of a bottle. Very
impressive, I wanted one. But I couldn't afford the $700-$800 I seem to
remember it costing (Divorce).
Well, today I have three. Two of them have their own cardboard
briefcases. But I sure would like to find a copy of that demo.
Doug Coward dcoward(a)pressstart.com
Senior Software Engineer
Press Start Inc.
Museum of Personal Computing Machinery
I need some information on some old micros I have in my collection. They
are all Australian models apart from the TI, although some of them made it
Pencil II
The sticker on the base says this machine was made by Soundic Electronics,
although I believe it may have been distributed by Hanimex. I need
information on the power supply. I have been told it's 9.9V DC 1A and
17.7V DC 500mA, but I need the pinouts for the 3-pin DIN socket the supply
is meant to connect to.
I believe the DIN socket at the rear right-hand corner is a combined power
supply, cassette in/out and composite video out socket. Can anyone tell me
the pinouts?
System 80
Originally this had an RF modulator, but the one I have has been very
heavily hacked. Can someone give me the pinouts for the video DIN socket?
TI 99/4
Note that this is the 99/4, *not* the 99/4a. Can someone tell me the power
supply requirements and pinouts? It is *not* the same as the 99/4a. I
*think* it may need +5, -5 and +12, but I'm not sure.
Thanks in advance,
| Scott McLauchlan |"Sometimes the need to mess with their heads |
| Client Services Division | outweighs the millstone of humiliation." |
| University of Canberra |___________Fox_Mulder_"The_X-Files:_Squeeze"_|
| scott(a)cts.canberra.edu.au | http://www.canberra.edu.au/~scott/home.html |