At 08:30 AM 6/13/01 -0400, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
>> Since most vintage machines can't run TCP/IP but CAN run uucp, would
>> there be any interest in a dialup uucp node for retrieving email, files,
specifically geared toward vintage machines?
I've been thnking of this in a bit wider context.
With some of the changes happening on the Internet, it's
not quite as friendly as it used to be.
You can still use the regular Internet as your transport
and do away with the toll calls, can't you? A sledgehammer
approach would be a VPN.
What I was referring to was how the the responsiveness of
a network connection has changed due to the proliferation
of supernodes like AOL. Supernodes become bottlenecks for
acecss to distant parts of the net.
Now, if I could route my own Internet traffic in a manner
comparable to the way phone phreaks could use a blue box
to route their calls, *that* would work very nicely.
Oh, and legally, without breaking any laws.
-doug quebbeman