I'm trying to repair a HP260/30 which fails self-test at step 9 (HP-IB
Programmed I/O test). It seems that the HP-IB interface card is the cause.
There's a 1TL1-0001 HP-IB controller IC and I'd like to know if it could
be replaced with a 1TL1-0006. The other ICs are all standard TTL (apart
From what I rememnber, they are very similar devices...
Somethign is
telling me that the -0001 needs a 'strange' supply voltage or
signal, or something like that, the -0006 doesn't. Wether the pin on the
latter chip is a no-connect I don't know.
The HP98265 high=speed HPIB card for DIO machines uses one version of the
Medusa, if you can track down the manual for that it might give you some
help. I should be able to dig out a pinout for it if that's any help.