November 2018 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 07:09:14 CDT 2018
Ending: Fri Nov 30 23:17:54 CST 2018
Messages: 543
- NeXT Monitor Problem
ethan at
- VAX 9440
ethan at
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
ethan at
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
ethan at
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
ethan at
- NVRAM resuscitation (Was Re: SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD)
ethan at
- VAX 9440
Paul Anderson
- WTB Allen-Bradley PLC-2/30, etc
Paul Anderson
- Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Gregory Beat
- Modcomp aquired
Rick Bensene
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Paul Berger
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Paul Berger
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Paul Berger
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Paul Berger
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Paul Berger
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Paul Berger
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Lyle Bickley
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Lyle Bickley
- desoldering (was Re: VAX 9440)
Mark J. Blair
- VAX 9440
Mark J. Blair
Dennis Boone
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Dennis Boone
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Kevin Bowling
- IBM Xstation 140?
Kevin Bowling
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Kevin Bowling
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Kevin Bowling
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Kevin Bowling
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Kevin Bowling
- HP 88780B density
Kevin Bowling
Jim Brain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
David Bridgham
- Font for DEC indicator panels
David Bridgham
- Chaosnet for SIMH
Lars Brinkhoff
- VCF PNW 2019: Exhibitors needed!
Michael Brutman
- [EXTERNAL] VCF PNW 2019: Exhibitors needed!
Michael Brutman
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Phil Budne
- IBM Xstation 140?
Ed C.
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Ed C.
- desoldering (was Re: VAX 9440)
Ed C.
- Manuals looking for a home
Antonio Carlini
- 1968 Hitachi HIDIC 100 Mini Computer
Antonio Carlini
- PDP8/a Initial Power Up
Noel Chiappa
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Noel Chiappa
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Noel Chiappa
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Noel Chiappa
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Noel Chiappa
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Noel Chiappa
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Noel Chiappa
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Noel Chiappa
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Fred Cisin
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Fred Cisin
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Fred Cisin
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Fred Cisin
- Bill Godbout
Fred Cisin
- Bill Godbout R.I.P.
Fred Cisin
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Fred Cisin
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Fred Cisin
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Fred Cisin
- Swap clarification (Was: bill was my first "real" computer comoany customer"
Fred Cisin
- Swap clarification (Was: bill was my first "real" computer comoany customer"
Fred Cisin
- Remembering Bill Godbout
Fred Cisin
- Teletype cheap
Fred Cisin
- Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Fred Cisin
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Fred Cisin
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Fred Cisin
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Fred Cisin
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Fred Cisin
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Fred Cisin
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Peter Coghlan
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Peter Coghlan
- Missing FORRTL
Peter Coghlan
- Missing FORRTL
Peter Coghlan
- IEFBR14 (was Re: IND$FILE)
Sean Conner
- PDP, Data General & more (TV show Maniac)
Christian Corti
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Christian Corti
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Christian Corti
- VAX 9440
Lee Courtney
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Eduardo Cruz
- Manuals looking for a home
Mark Darvill
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Randy Dawson
- ROLM 1601 (RuggedNova) 1970 Brochure
Bill Degnan
- ROLM 1601 (RuggedNova) 1970 Brochure
Bill Degnan
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Bill Degnan
- ROLM 1601 (RuggedNova) 1970 Brochure
Bill Degnan
- Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation
Bill Degnan
- Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation
Bill Degnan
- Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation
Bill Degnan
- NeXT Monitor Problem
Bill Degnan
- Bill Godbout R.I.P.
Bill Degnan
- VAX 9440
Bill Degnan
- desoldering (was Re: VAX 9440)
Bill Degnan
- George Keremedjiev
Bill Degnan
- 1968 Hitachi HIDIC 100 Mini Computer
Bill Degnan
- 1968 Hitachi HIDIC 100 Mini Computer
Bill Degnan
- Teletype cheap
Bill Degnan
- Text encoding Babel.
Josh Dersch
- WTB Allen-Bradley PLC-2/30, etc
Charles Dickman
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Ethan Dicks
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Ethan Dicks
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Ethan Dicks
- TU58 tape formatter (was Re: rebuilding DC100A cartridges?)
Ethan Dicks
- TU58 tape formatter (was Re: rebuilding DC100A cartridges?)
Ethan Dicks
- TU58 tape formatter (was Re: rebuilding DC100A cartridges?)
Ethan Dicks
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
Ethan Dicks
- i860: Re: modern stuff
William Donzelli
- i860: Re: modern stuff
William Donzelli
- IBM Xstation 140?
William Donzelli
- i860: Re: modern stuff
William Donzelli
- PDP, Data General & more (TV show Maniac)
William Donzelli
- A very sad PDP-8/S
William Donzelli
- i860: Re: modern stuff
William Donzelli
- ROLM 1601 (RuggedNova) 1970 Brochure
William Donzelli
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
William Donzelli
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
William Donzelli
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
William Donzelli
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
William Donzelli
- Any News from the Nova @ 50 Event?
William Donzelli
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Tony Duell
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Tony Duell
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Tony Duell
- Got a Rainbow 100 and ...
Tony Duell
- Got a Rainbow 100 and ...
Tony Duell
- Got a Rainbow 100 and ...
Tony Duell
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Tony Duell
- DEC bits wanted
Tony Duell
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Guy Dunphy
- 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Guy Dunphy
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Guy Dunphy
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Guy Dunphy
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Guy Dunphy
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Guy Dunphy
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Guy Dunphy
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Guy Dunphy
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Guy Dunphy
- PDP, Data General & more (TV show Maniac)
Jon Elson
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Jon Elson
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Jon Elson
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Jon Elson
- WTB Allen-Bradley PLC-2/30, etc
Jon Elson
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Jon Elson
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Jon Elson
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Jon Elson
- VAX 9440
Jon Elson
- Bill Godbout
Jon Elson
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Jon Elson
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Jon Elson
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Jon Elson
Jon Elson
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
Jon Elson
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Jon Elson
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Jon Elson
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Jon Elson
- PDP8 key (Was: Text encoding Babel.
Jon Elson
- XMP Simulator
Jonathan Engwall
- RT-11 DY install
Jerome H. Fine
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Patrick Finnegan
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Patrick Finnegan
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
Patrick Finnegan
- CBIS Network OS
Patrick Finnegan
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Patrick Finnegan
- IBM 3270 Emulation Adapter (ISA)
Patrick Finnegan
- What is this?
Patrick Finnegan
- Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation
John Foust
- Teletype cheap
John Foust
- Font for DEC indicator panels
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Todd Goodman
- Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Todd Goodman
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Adrian Graham
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Adrian Graham
- Bluebox AVR boards available
David Griffith
- Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation
E. Groenenberg
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Chuck Guzis
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Chuck Guzis
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Chuck Guzis
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Chuck Guzis
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Chuck Guzis
- Sun doc: "Writing Device Drivers for the Sun Workstation"
Chuck Guzis
- Bill Godbout
Chuck Guzis
- desoldering (was Re: VAX 9440)
Chuck Guzis
- TCL Terminal
Chuck Guzis
- TCL Terminal
Chuck Guzis
- Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Chuck Guzis
- IBM Xstation 140?
Chris Hanson
- IBM Xstation 140?
Chris Hanson
- HP-Apollo 9000/425t RAM
Chris Hanson
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Chris Hanson
- HP-Apollo 9000/425t RAM
Chris Hanson
- HP-Apollo 9000/400t series stand, disk sleds or their specifications
Chris Hanson
- HP-Apollo 9000/425t RAM
Chris Hanson
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Cory Heisterkamp
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Cory Heisterkamp
- PDP8/a Initial Power Up
Gordon Henderson
- NVRAM resuscitation (Was Re: SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD)
Gordon Henderson
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Brent Hilpert
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Brent Hilpert
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Brent Hilpert
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Brent Hilpert
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Brent Hilpert
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Brent Hilpert
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Brent Hilpert
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Brent Hilpert
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Brent Hilpert
- IBM 3270 Emulation Adapter (ISA)
Götz Hoffart
- UniBone - access DEC PDP-11 UNIBUS under Linux
Jörg Hoppe
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Marc Howard
- Swap clarification (Was: bill was my first "real" computer comoany customer"
Jason Howe
- RS/6000 values
Benjamin Huntsman
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Benjamin Huntsman
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- A New Batch from Sellam's Warehouse
Sellam Ismail
- New to System/36
Yvan Janssens
- Anyone Have a Working DEC Pro 350?
Rob Jarratt
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Rob Jarratt
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Rob Jarratt
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Rob Jarratt
- DEC Hard drives
Rob Jarratt
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Rob Jarratt
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Rob Jarratt
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Rob Jarratt
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Rob Jarratt
- Another IC I Can't Identify
Rob Jarratt
- DEC Professional 350 ROMs
Rob Jarratt
- IBM Xstation 140?
Guy Sotomayor Jr
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Guy Sotomayor Jr
- RS/6000 values
Cameron Kaiser
- Rugged Nova/1601
Christian Kennedy
- Bill Godbout
John Klos
- VAX 9440
Evan Koblentz
- VAX 9440
Evan Koblentz
- VAX 9440
Evan Koblentz
- VAX 9440
Evan Koblentz
- Bill Godbout
Evan Koblentz
- Update re: Bill Godbout
Evan Koblentz
- Update re: Bill Godbout
Evan Koblentz
- Full story about Bill Godbout
Evan Koblentz
- Bill Godbout R.I.P.
Evan Koblentz
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Paul Koning
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Paul Koning
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Paul Koning
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Paul Koning
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Paul Koning
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Paul Koning
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Paul Koning
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Paul Koning
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Paul Koning
- What is this?
Paul Koning
- NVRAM resuscitation (Was Re: SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD)
Paul Koning
- Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Paul Koning
- Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Paul Koning
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Eric Korpela
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Eric Korpela
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Al Kossow
- IBM Xstation 140?
Al Kossow
- IBM Xstation 140?
Al Kossow
- IBM Xstation 140?
Al Kossow
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Al Kossow
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Al Kossow
- Updates at
Al Kossow
- ISO IBM 3708 documentation
Al Kossow
- ISO IBM 3708 documentation
Al Kossow
- New to System/36
Al Kossow
- desoldering (was Re: VAX 9440)
Al Kossow
- Bill Godbout
Al Kossow
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Al Kossow
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Al Kossow
- IBM 3270 Emulation Adapter (ISA)
Al Kossow
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Al Kossow
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Al Kossow
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Al Kossow
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Al Kossow
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Al Kossow
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Al Kossow
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Al Kossow
- George Keremedjiev
Al Kossow
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
Al Kossow
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
Al Kossow
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Al Kossow
- TCL Terminal
Al Kossow
- TCL Terminal
Al Kossow
- TCL Terminal
Al Kossow
- TCL Terminal
Al Kossow
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
Al Kossow
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Mattis Lind
- Modcomp aquired
Mark Linimon
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
Warner Losh
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Warner Losh
- VAX 9440
Jim Manley
- desoldering (was Re: VAX 9440)
Jim Manley
- VCF PNW 2019: Exhibitors needed!
Jim Manley
- George Keremedjiev
Jim Manley
- NVRAM resuscitation (Was Re: SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD)
Jim Manley
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Curious Marc
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
Curious Marc
- A weird and ancient IBM offline memory device
Curious Marc
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
Curious Marc
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Curious Marc
Kevin McQuiggin
- UniBone - access DEC PDP-11 UNIBUS under Linux
Kevin McQuiggin
- Any News from the Nova @ 50 Event?
Stephen Merrony
- early ANSI C drafts, pre-1989 standard
Keven Miller(3k)
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez
- Bill Godbout
Anders Nelson
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
Anders Nelson
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Anders Nelson
- early ANSI C drafts, pre-1989 standard
Andrew Luke Nesbit
- Manuals looking for a home
Mike Norris
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Kyle Owen
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Kyle Owen
- NeXT Monitor Problem
Kyle Owen
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
Kyle Owen
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
Kyle Owen
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
Kyle Owen
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
Kyle Owen
- Zapata Tormenta ISA card
Kyle Owen
- RS/6000 values
Rico Pajarola
- HP-Apollo 9000/425t RAM
Rico Pajarola
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Rico Pajarola
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Rico Pajarola
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Rico Pajarola
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Rico Pajarola
- A weird and ancient IBM offline memory device
Peter Van Peborgh
- Got a Rainbow 100 and ...
Alan Perry
- Got a Rainbow 100 and ...
Alan Perry
- Got a Rainbow 100 and ...
Alan Perry
- Got a Rainbow 100 and ...
Alan Perry
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Alan Perry
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Alan Perry
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Alan Perry
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Alan Perry
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
Alan Perry
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
Alan Perry
- NVRAM resuscitation (Was Re: SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD)
Alan Perry
- Updates at
Pontus Pihlgren
- VAX 9440
Pontus Pihlgren
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Pontus Pihlgren
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Pontus Pihlgren
- 56K PCMCIA modems, NIB
Electronics Plus
- IBM Xstation 140?
Electronics Plus
- 72-pin SIMMs
Electronics Plus
- Apollo Keyboards
Electronics Plus
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
Electronics Plus
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
Electronics Plus
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Liam Proven
- [EXTERNAL] VCF PNW 2019: Exhibitors needed!
Liam Proven
- What is this?
Liam Proven
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
Jules Richardson
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Tomasz Rola
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Bob Rosenbloom
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Wayne S
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Wayne S
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
- A very sad PDP-8/S
- A very sad PDP-8/S
- A very sad PDP-8/S
- UNIVAC 422 User Grouop Forming Please drop us a note offlist With SN of your unit and stats of operability and completeness and go withs.
- decals... we have a couple extra unused Electrodata company Pasadena decals...(yes the Real stuff late 50's?) to trade for? Burroughs bought Electrodata in 1956 as I remember and these would have been acquired around the late
- UNIVAC 422 User Grouop Forming Please drop us a note offlist With SN of your unit and stats of operability and completeness and go withs.
- Modcomp aquired
- Bill Godbout
- bill was my first "real" computer comoany customer"
- Swap clarification (Was: bill was my first "real" computer comoany customer"
- Swap clarification (Was: bill was my first "real" computer comoany customer"
- The fundamental building block of modern digital design turns 100
- George Keremedjiev
- Teletype cheap
- Removing PVA from a CRT
- PDP8/a Initial Power Up (Columbia Valley Maker Space)
Anders Sandahl
- HP-Apollo 9000/425t RAM
Sven Schnelle
- PDP8/a Initial Power Up
Richard Sheppard
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Glen Slick
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Glen Slick
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Glen Slick
- DEC Professional 350 ROMs
Glen Slick
- Text encoding Babel.
Glen Slick
- PDP8/a Initial Power Up
Bob Smith
- VAX 9440
Eric Smith
- TU58 tape formatter (was Re: rebuilding DC100A cartridges?)
Eric Smith
- TU58 tape formatter (was Re: rebuilding DC100A cartridges?)
Eric Smith
- TU58 tape formatter (was Re: rebuilding DC100A cartridges?)
Eric Smith
- IEFBR14 (was Re: IND$FILE)
Eric Smith
- Re: Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Eric Smith
- Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Eric Smith
- Re: Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Eric Smith
- Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
Eric Smith
- Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation
Fran Smith
- PDP8/a Initial Power Up
Columbia Valley Maker Space
- What is this?
Jim Stefanik
- What is this?
Jim Stefanik
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Mike Stein
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Mike Stein
- How to work out unknown PSU replacement
Mike Stein
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Mike Stein
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Mike Stein
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Mike Stein
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Mike Stein
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Mike Stein
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Mike Stein
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Mike Stein
- Battery warning in Falco terminals
Mike Stein
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Adrian Stoness
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Adrian Stoness
- Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation
Brian L. Stuart
- Swap clarification (Was: bill was my first "real" computer comoany customer"
William Sudbrink
- desoldering (was Re: VAX 9440)
William Sudbrink
- 34 pin card edge male to male biscut (wafer? adapter?)
William Sudbrink
- RE: Re: 34 pin Card Edge “Male to Male” Connector
William Sudbrink
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Douglas Taylor
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Douglas Taylor
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Douglas Taylor
- DEC Alpha Bug Check Crash
Douglas Taylor
- Missing FORRTL
Douglas Taylor
- Missing FORRTL
Douglas Taylor
- Missing FORRTL
Douglas Taylor
- DEC bits wanted
Douglas Taylor
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Grant Taylor
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Grant Taylor
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Grant Taylor
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Grant Taylor
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
Grant Taylor
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Grant Taylor
- RS6k 7012/320H woes
Grant Taylor
- Whither Google Groups - was Re: i860: Re: modern stuff
Toby Thain
- A very sad PDP-8/S
Toby Thain
- NeXT Monitor Problem
Toby Thain
- NeXT Monitor Problem
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- Font for DEC indicator panels
Toby Thain
- 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Riesen Thomas
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
Riesen Thomas
- PDP, Data General & more (TV show Maniac)
Michael Thompson
- PDP, Data General & more (TV show Maniac)
Michael Thompson
- i860: Re: modern stuff
Michael Thompson
- PDP8/a Initial Power Up
Michael Thompson
- Removing PVA from a CRT
Michael Thompson
- Large Collection Of Dec/Digital PDP Documentation
Pete Turnbull
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- VAX 9440
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- Working Ardent Titan on Youtube
Camiel Vanderhoeven
- VAX 9440
- Teletype cheap
- DEC Hard drives
Dave Wade
- VAX 9440
Dave Wade
- TCL Terminal
Dave Wade
- TCL Terminal
Dave Wade
- TCL Terminal
Dave Wade
- DEC bits wanted
Dave Wade
- DEC bits wanted
Dave Wade
- NeXT Monitor Problem
Jerry Weiss
- Hitachi at 1964 Worlds Fair - Was Re: 1968 Hitachi HIDIC 100 Mini Computer
Jerry Weiss
- Rugged Nova
Jeffrey S. Worley
- Sun Optical Mouse and pad
Jeffrey S. Worley
- NVRAM resuscitation (Was Re: SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD)
Jeffrey S. Worley
- New to System/36
alan at
- New to System/36
alan at
- New to System/36
alan at
- New to System/36
alan at
- Datasheet for a NEC Chip in DEC Professional 350
- TU58 tape formatter (was Re: rebuilding DC100A cartridges?)
- TU58 tape formatter (was Re: rebuilding DC100A cartridges?)
- NVRAM resuscitation (Was Re: SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD)
- ROLM 1601 (RuggedNova) 1970 Brochure
erik at
- ROLM 1601 (RuggedNova) 1970 Brochure
erik at
- ROLM 1601 (RuggedNova) 1970 Brochure
erik at
- Rugged Nova
erik at
- IEFBR14 (was Re: IND$FILE)
- Bill Godbout
js at
- Did anyone see Vintage Tech Hunters on Discovery Canada yet?
corey cohen
- Modcomp VME bus 68000 computer
devin davison
- Modcomp aquired
devin davison
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
devin davison
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
devin davison
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
devin davison
- UNIVAC 422 User Grouop Forming Please drop us a note offlist With SN of your unit and stats of operability and completeness and go withs.
- UNIVAC 422 User Grouop Forming Please drop us a note offlist With SN of your unit and stats of operability and completeness and go withs.
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
- AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
- Teletype cheap
- What is this?
cctalk at
- Updates at
- ISA sound and video cards, and PCI? AGP?
- A very sad PDP-8/S
steven at
- A very sad PDP-8/S
steven at
- KC11 with KY-11C vs KA11 with KY11-A Re: A very sad PDP-8/S
steven at
- Modcomp aquired
steven at
- Font for DEC indicator panels
steven at
- Teletype cheap
steven at
- Teletype cheap
steven at
- [EXTERNAL] VCF PNW 2019: Exhibitors needed!
- DEC Hard drives
- DEC Professional 350 ROMs
- Teletype cheap
steve shumaker
- Teletype cheap
steve shumaker
- DEC Hard drives
- DEC Hard drives
- Bill Godbout R.I.P.
jim stephens
- IBM 3270 Emulation Adapter (ISA)
jim stephens
jim stephens
- Teletype cheap
jim stephens
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
emanuel stiebler
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
emanuel stiebler
- BBS card, ISA8bit multi serial, 4 channels
emanuel stiebler
- IBM Xstation 140?
emanuel stiebler
- Looking for optical grid mouse pad
- desoldering (was Re: VAX 9440)
- Odd Hp leds in dip package
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
- SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
- NVRAM resuscitation (Was Re: SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD)
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 23:17:54 CST 2018
Archived on: Sat Dec 1 01:26:49 CST 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).