Wanted: Twinax 5250 Style Terminal

Kevin Monceaux Kevin at RawFedDogs.net
Thu Dec 4 10:49:53 CST 2014

On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 02:45:45PM -0600, Kevin Monceaux wrote:

> I should have an IBM 9406-270 arriving today or tomorrow.  I think I've
> gathered everything I need to attempt an OS install except a console.

I've made arrangements to borrow a terminal, and twinax multi-port connector
block, from work to get me started.  Actually it's looking like I might be
able to save the old 9406-270 at work from the scrappers.  If so the
terminals will probably come with it.  It's been shut down for a while.
With our current box we switched from a real console to a 5250 emulator
console so the two twinax terminals we have haven't been used for a while


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works!
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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