Anyone know ancient versions of XLC?

Stefan Skoglund stefan.skoglund at
Thu Apr 15 09:00:06 CDT 2021

ons 2021-04-14 klockan 17:39 +0200 skrev Liam Proven via cctalk:
> On Tue, 13 Apr 2021 at 18:44, Kevin Bowling
> <kevin.bowling at> wrote:
> > 
> > Linux tends to churn that amount of code in a release.  I find it
> > interesting how large systemd has become as well:   
> >
> I didn't know but I can well believe it. Virtually _any_ 30-40+ year
> old code is, by modern standards, lightweight and fast.
> Compared to, say, C++, Ada is a lightweight, clean language. Compared
> to modern *nix, Multics itself is a sylph-like slip of a thing.

Ha, on my debian system i get more memory available when instead of
gnome i instead run e.

And when i i got some problem with printing from evolution ....
webkitgtk in its sandbox version cant print so now i run
webkitgtk inside the normal evolution process.... more memory saved
but i'm living a bit more unsafe now....

> One of my personal favourites... there is a lot of word-processor
> advocacy online now and the one most people praise as The Best Thing
> EVAH is WordPerfect.
> I used and supported WordPerfect in the late '80s & early '90s. I
> never liked it that much. Fast, feature-rich, yes, but a UI one could
> only love because of Stockholm Syndrome.

FRAME from that era was nice and fast.

> But I remember 5.x introducing pull-down CUA-type menus and being for
> me significantly easier to use as a result. And I remember v 6,
> lambasted as sluggish bloatware at the time, having a graphics-mode
> GUI on DOS if you wanted.
> So I found a copy and installed it on PC DOS 7.1 on a Core 2 Duo
> Thinkpad. On a modern multi-gigahertz x86, it _flies_ along. It's
> snappy and responsive even in graphics mode, and by modern standards
> it's tiny. A dozen meg or so.
> I don't use it much but it's fun to do so occasionally.
> My main go-to WP on my primary laptop is MS Word 97 for Windows,
> under
> WINE on 64-bit Ubuntu. Again, sluggish bloatware when new, but ¼
> century later, lightweight and positively snappy. Does everything I
> need and more, including the all-important Outline mode. Has proper
> menus, not a Ribbon. Runs perfectly under WINE including being able
> to
> install service releases to get it as current as possible. Same file
> format as used up to 2003.

I had to try to use word 20xx a few years ago ....  compared with word
6 (current 1991 on mac) HILFEEEEEE

Nowadays I hate being forced to mouse  along ... while having a
strained right wrist.

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