hello cctalk! i have been working for the past few days on a DECmate II with what i
believe to be an ailing RX50. i have a gotek with updated flashfloppy firmware, but for
some strange reason i have been completely unable to get the DMII to boot a floppy image
from it.
i have been trying to convert the OS/278 and WPS images on the dbit and ibiblio archives
into a working format for the gotek but none of them will work. at this point i have tried
too many conversions to recall but they all result in the same blinking floppy icon when
the unit boots. i have “host = dec” in my FF.CFG per the wiki.
has anyone else been able to get this working? if so, could you please provide known-good
images for a gotek, or the steps to generate them?
thank you in advance!
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