Paper tape
10K 85'
100K 853'
1M 1.6 Miles
10M 16.5 Miles
100M 165 Miles
1G 1,695 Miles
10G 16,947 Miles
100G 6.8 Earth Circumferences
1T 69.8 Earth Circumferences
How about converting that to tons of 80 column punched cards?
1K 12.8 cards (assuming 1 byte per column, and not reserving any columns
10k 128 cards
100K 1280 cards
1M 6.556 boxes
10M 65.56 boxes
100M 655.6 boxes
1G 6,700 boxes
10G 67,000 boxes
100G 670,000 boxes
1T 6,871,948 boxes