cctalk March 2023
  • 115 participants
  • 81 discussions

SmallTalk 80 books available
by Todd Pisek
1 year, 11 months

Power supply for DEC VK100 GIGI?
by Robert Armstrong
1 year, 11 months

Solaris books claimed
by Todd Pisek
1 year, 11 months

Solaris Internals & Performance books
by Todd Pisek
1 year, 11 months

Visiting the computer history museum (chm)
by Tarek Hoteit
1 year, 11 months

Persci 299 drives - park heads/lock?
by Bill Degnan
1 year, 11 months

DEC DF03-AA Modem Documentation
1 year, 11 months

Low cost logic analyzer
by Paul Koning
1 year, 11 months

NextStep/Intel, 486's and Pentium overdrive, thoughts.
by Chris Zach
1 year, 11 months

Vintage den
by Murray McCullough
1 year, 11 months
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