Documents Archive
I've accumulated, and continue to accumulate, a load of documents, from users' manuals to chip data sheets. What I have presented below only scratches the surface.
For files substantially in excess of 2mb or so in size, I provided the file size in megabytes so that one can estimate download times. Here's what I have scanned so far, categorized by platform:
The Altair documents archive has been moved to the Altair32 Technical Links page.
Ampro LittleBoard/186
Information on this system is on its own page here.
I have several Apple systems in my collection: a ][+, //gs, ///, Mac 512k (aka "Fat Mac"), a Mac SE/30, a Mac IIci and a PowerBook 540c. The Fat Mac was the first Apple I bought with my own money (not my parents like the VIC-20 below). I would have to pull out my original invoice, but I think I paid $2795 for the Mac, $495 for the ImageWriter, $495 for the 1200 baud modem, $295 for the external 400k floppy drive, $99 for the numeric keypad, $99 for the padded case, and then a thousand dollars or more for the software (Microsoft Word, MacTerminal, Microsoft BASIC, and the 68000 PDS).
The other machines were either given to me (the ][+, ///, and SE/30) or purchased on eBay (the //gs, IIci and 540c). The PowerBook is handy because I can do all sorts of cross-platform archiving right at my desk without having to go to my lab in the basement.
I have lots of manuals and things for these machines, some scanned and some not. I still really haven't taken a full inventory of what books and manuals I have. For some of the manuals on the bookshelf behind me, I've collected scans from elsewhere on the Web just so that I don't have to scan them myself.
This past week (4/27/23), I received an updated copy of the Apple Red Book 30th Anniversary Edition from the original author, Gary Graham. It has numerous corrections, updates, and corrected typography and formatting. Thanks very much Gary for providing the updated copy!
Apple ][+
- 6Apple II Reference Manual (signed by Woz) (pdf) (14.8mb)
- Apple II Reference Manual Addendum (pdf)
- Apple II Basic Programming Manual (pdf)
- Applesoft II Basic Programming Manual (pdf) (15.5mb)
- The Applesoft Tutorial (pdf) (25.9mb)
- Disk Operating System 3.2 Instruction and Reference Manual (pdf) (22.6mb)
- Apple II Joystick Manual (pdf)
- Apple II Parallel Printer Card Manual (pdf)
- Apple II Super Serial Card Manual (pdf)
- Apple II Floppy Controller Manual (pdf)
- Apple II Programmer's Aid #1 (pdf)
- Apple II "Red Book" Reference Manual 1978 (pdf)
- Apple II "Red Book" Reference Manual 30th Anniversary (pdf) UPDATED!
- Apple II Logic Board Schematic (pdf)
- Book: Compute! First Book of Apple (pdf) (8.7mb)
- Book: The Woz Wonderbook (from DigiBarn) (pdf)
- Book: Beneath Apple DOS (pdf)
- Book: Apple-Seed II Peripheral Cards Book (pdf)
Apple //gs
- Technical Introduction to the Apple IIgs (pdf)
- Apple IIe to IIgs Upgrade Guide (pdf)
- Apple IIgs Firmware Reference Guide (part 1 pdf) (part 2 pdf)
- Apple IIgs ProDos16 Reference Guide (pdf)
- Apple IIgs Owner's Guide (pdf)
- Apple IIgs Quick Start Reference Guide (pdf)
- Apple IIgs Hardware Reference Guide (pdf)
- Apple IIgs Schematics (pdf)
- Setting Up Your Apple IIgs (pdf)
- Apple Imagewriter II Owner's Guide (pdf)
- Apple RGB Monitor Manual (pdf)
- Apple 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive Manual (pdf)
- Apple 5.25" Floppy Disk Drive Manual (pdf)
General Apple Topics
- Assembly Language for the Applesoft Programmer (Finley-Myers) (pdf)
- Apple Assembly Language (Maurer) (pdf)
Commodore/MOS (including KIM-1)
In addition to the CSG data sheets that I have, I have service manuals for some of the Commodore hardware that I own. I also have the original letter from CSG and the business card of the person who sent me the information (Denise Olds, Headquarters Marketing)
- 2332 ROM (pdf)
- 2364 ROM (pdf)
- 23128 ROM (pdf)
- 24256 ROM (preliminary) (pdf)
- 65xx Family (Rockwell) (pdf)
- 65xx Family (CSG) (pdf)
- 6500/1 single-chip MPU (pdf)
- 6508 CPU with RAM and I/O (pdf)
- 6509 CPU with memory management (pdf)
- 6510 CPU with I/O (pdf)
- 6520 PIA (pdf)
- 6522 VIA (pdf)
- 6523 Tri-port interface (pdf)
- 65245 Octal Bus Transceiver (pdf)
- 6525 Tri-port interface (pdf)
- 6526 CIA (pdf)
- 6529 Single-port interface (pdf)
- 6530 RIOT (RAM, I/O, timer) (pdf)
- R6531 RRIOT (Rockwell; ROM, RAM, I/O, timer) (pdf)
- 6532 RIOT (RAM, I/O, timer) (pdf)
- Data sheet: 6545-1 CRTC (preliminary pdf; final pdf by Markku Allen)
- 6551 ACIA (pdf)
- 6560/6561 VIC-I (pdf)
- 6567 VIC-II (preliminary) (pdf)
- 6581 SID (preliminary) (pdf)
- 6582 SID (pdf)
- R6592 Single-chip Printer Controller (Rockwell) (pdf)
- 8701/8701N Clock Generator (pdf)
I also have several MOS/CSG books which were for the 6500-series chips, describing them from both the hardware and software aspects. These books were frequently purchased with a KIM-1 or other early Commodore machine. For later machines, this information was integrated in the technical reference manual for that machine.
KIM-1 Specific Information
- ZIP file containing schematics and some general information, including the object code extracted from the two 6530 RIOT chips (-002 and -003)
- KIM-1 Microcomputer Module User Manual (8/76)(doc 6500-15B) (text)(pdf)
- KIM-1 Hints Guide (text)(pdf)
- Source Code for KIM Monitor ROM (asm)
The First Book of KIM (pdf)
- KIM-1 General Info and Schematics (zip, 0.2mb)
- 2k Symbolic Assembler for the KIM-1 (pdf)
Jack Rubin scanned and sent me several issues from the Compute! and Compute II series of magazines. Compute! Magazine began as KIM-1 Notes. Later, Compute! had a single-board computer section (for the KIM, AIM, SYM and Elf computers) in the main issue which ultimately was spun-off into a separate magazine called Compute II. Both of these are on the Magazines page.
There were also many third-party suppliers of enhancements for the KIM-1, SYM-1 and AIM-65 and other single-board computers using the KIM-4 bus structure.
Forethought Products (Coburg, OR 97401)
- KIMSI KIM-S100 bridge board: (manual pdf)
RNB Enterprises (2967 W. Fairmount Ave., Phoenix, AZ, 85017)
VIC-20 Specific Information
The VIC-20 was the first machine I ever bought (well, my parents bought it for me). I started off with the main unit and added the printer and disk drive within the same year. It is another 6502-based microcomputer with 5k of RAM and great color capability for the time and price ($299 initially I think).
Here are some more formal specifications:
- Introduced: prototype (National Computer Convention, 6/80); released 1980 (Japan); 1981 (US, Canada, Europe). $299.95
- Cancelled: 1985 ($99.95)
- CPU: MOS 6502A @ 1.0227 MHZ
- RAM: 5k (4k user, 1k video), expandable easily to 32k
- ROM: 16k BASIC and Kernal
- Keyboard: 66-key full-stroke with 4 function keys. Key faces had Commodore character set glphs.
- Screen: NTSC or PAL format for connecting to a TV. 22 columns by 23 rows using an 8x8 or 8x16 pel character matrix. Overall screen size is 176 x 184 with up to 16 colors.
- Sound: 3 voices plus "white noise" using VIC-I chip.
- Ports and Interfaces: cartridge expansion port, two joystick ports, composite video, Serial IEC intelligent peripheral interface (for disk drives and printers), cassette interface, general purpose "user I/O" port.
- Power: external power "brick", 9VAC 2.3a.
I still have a bunch of games and hardware for it. Here are the manuals:
- VIC-20 main unit (pdf) (23.6mb)
- VIC-1702 Monitor (pdf)
- C2N Cassette Deck (pdf)
- VIC-1541 Floppy Disk Drive (pdf)
- VIC-1515 Printer (pdf). The interesting fact about the 1515 is that it uses custom paper which is 8.5" wide fanfold tractor paper, but the measurement includes the tractors, so the finished paper width is 7.5". The story goes that some engineer in Japan misunderstood the specifications (or someone here in the States misquoted the specifications) and an oddity was born. I remember having to drive to a neighboring town to get the custom paper because I couldn't find it near me.
- VIC-1525 Printer (pdf). This one uses standard fanfold tractor paper.
- MPS-803 Printer (pdf)
- VICModem 300 (pdf)
- RS-232 User Port Adapter (pdf)
- GPIB Adapter (pdf)
- Memory expansion cards VIC-1210/1110/1111 (3k, 8k, 16k) (pdf)
- VIC-1211A Super Expander Cartridge (pdf)
- VIC-1212 Programmer's Aid Cartridge (pdf)
- CardCo CardPrint-A (pdf) (Addendum pdf) (Plus-G supplement pdf). This enabled a VIC-20 or C64 to use standard Centronics interface printers.
- CardCo Card/?+G (pdf). This added true graphics emulation.
- VIC-20 Programmer's Reference Guide (pdf) (42.4mb)
- Games:
- VIC-1901
- Technical manual: 1541 floppy drive (P/N 990445) (pdf)
Random schematics: 1541. C2N, 1011, 1515, 1525 (zip)
- Book: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology (pdf) (12.0mb). Although I got this much later, it is a complete handbook of information relating to all of the Commodore computers.
- Book: Compute! First Book of VIC (pdf) (7.4mb)
- Article from a book about using the SP0256 speech synthesizer chip from General Instruments. (pdf)
One of my long-term projects is to have a complete source listing for the VIC-20 BASIC and Kernal ROMs. The Kernal is done, as is an "include" file containing variable definitions. One should note that the Kernal program actually begins at $E500. I suspect that the code from $E000 to $E4FF represents the BASIC program overhanging the page boundary. The INCLUDE file contains variable names used in the BASIC ROM, which I have yet to decompiled. Those will disappear once the BASIC ROM is done.
C-64 Specific Information
I didn't get a C64 until many years later when a friend was giving his away. The C64 was initially sold in a case very similar to that of the VIC-20, but there were many subsequent versions. While the VIC-20 was popular, selling about 800,000 units in its lifetime, the C64 was outrageously popular, selling almost 30 million units in the 10 years it was available. The great graphics and sound, in addition to backward compatibility, were driving factors.
Here are some specifications on the C64.
- Introduced: 1983. $599.95
- Cancelled: 1993 (just before Commodore's demise in 1994)
- CPU: MOS 6510 @ 1MHZ
- RAM: 64k
- ROM: 20k BASIC and Kernal (could be switched-out so that the full 64k of RAM could be used for machine language programs)
- Keyboard: 66-key full-stroke with 4 function keys. Key faces had Commodore character set glphs.
- Screen: NTSC or PAL format for connecting to a TV. 40 columns by 25 rows using an 8x8 or 8x16 pel character matrix. Overall screen size is 320 x 200 with up to 16 colors. Further, the VIC-II had sprites which allowed for player-missile graphics.
- Sound: 3 voices plus "white noise" using SID chip.
- Ports and Interfaces: cartridge expansion port, two joystick ports, composite video, Serial IEC intelligent peripheral interface (for disk drives and printers), cassette interface, general purpose "user I/O" port.
- Power: external power "brick"
Here are some books and manuals specific to the C64:
Random Commodore hardware manuals
- Technical manual: PET 4016/4032 (P/N 990438) (pdf)
- Service manual: LP2031L low-profile GPIB disk drive (P/N 314011-01) (pdf)
- Commodore BASIC Version 4.0 User's Manual (7/80)(P/N 321604) (pdf)
- Quick Reference Guide for Commodore DOS (2000/3000/4000/8000 series)(P/N 321603) (pdf)
User's Manual for CBM 5-1/4-inch Dual Floppy Drives (x040/8050)(10/80)(P/N 320899) (pdf)
Commodore Modem/1200 (Model 1670) User's Manual (P/N 319854-02) (pdf)
Other Resources
- Scelbi 6502 Cookbook (pdf) (courtesy of M Cooper)
Hawthorne Technologies TinyGiant HT68k
Information on this system is on its own page here.
Heathkit H-11
Information on this system is on its own page here.
I have an HP 4952A Protocol Analyzer for which I have scanned copies of the manuals and have copies of the utilities disks. It's not a piece of classic hardware per se, but I've found it useful for troubleshooting RS-232 problems on my classic machines. I'm including them here because it took me a long time to locate copies of these so I want to make them available to others.
- HP 4952A Protocol Analyzer Operating Manual (pdf)
- HP 4951C 4952A Data Communications Test Library (pdf)
- Utilities disks (created with Teledisk) (zip). The ZIP archive includes the Utility Disk (04952-16003 Rev A.00.00) and the Data Communications Test Library Disk (5010-5017 Rev. A.00.00). You can use standard double-sided, double-density (720k) 3.5" floppy disks that have been bulk erased.
I moved the information on my IMSAI system onto its own page here.
International Business Machines
Even the old PCs are not really classics, unless you have one of the original PCs with the 4/24/81 BIOS date or the first PC Portable IBM PC. None the less, I have some technical information on the PCs. The two Technical Reference guides contain full schematics, theory of operation, and troubleshooting information for the respective models, and include complete BIOS source code.
I've completed the BIOS source first, in editable text files.
Interestingly, the original BIOS is designed as a monolithic program (i.e., one code module in one source file), but the PC/AT BIOS is modular. This means that, theoretically, one could replace each module with one containing his own code. For example, one could re-write the "video.asm" file to redirect all TTY output to the serial port, or to ignore graphics modes. However, I don't think that anyone licensed the IBM code directly, so I'm sure that this was just a product of better programming structure or multiple development teams rather than adaptability to other uses.
In 1983, BYTE Magazine ran a series of articles by Steve Ciarcia, one of the best electronics and computer hobbyists of the day. Steve parlayed his article writing for BYTE into a business called Micromint, and he created a magazine called Circuit Cellar INK (now just Circuit Cellar).
The MPX-16 was a build-it-yourself IBM-PC compatible motherboard which included a few neat features like a serial terminal console capability and a built-in monitor (making it much like a large industrial SBC). A few expansion cards were available, including a keyboard-sound card. Micromint also made a PC-style metal case which made the MPX a desktop computer. According to the person I got my boards from, Micromint made about 400 units, most of which were used in Micromint's office.
The primary floppy operating system for this board was CP/M although an OEM version of MS-DOS 1.25 was supposedly in the works, but never released.
While cleaning the shop, I came across a small stack of disks which appear to be the source code for the ROM BIOS for the MPX-16 (with the latest date being 9/7/83) and a copy of MS-DOS 1.25. I have a board but it's working status is unknown. It has "SN 1211 Rev E" scrawled on the board.
Disks (zip images; Teledisk 2.16)
ROM BIOS source files (zip dated 8/25/83)
ROM BIOS source Later version (zip dated 11/7/83)
ROM Dump from board (zip). The two ROMs are TMS2732JL-45 and have the following label "Micromint MPX16 5/8 PC/Term 3/1/84"
Original BYTE article:
This was another Steve Ciarcia project that ran in BYTE magazine. It was a 6MHz HD64180-based (Z80 instruction superset) SBC and companion communication board with included an NCR 5380-based SCSI interface and a telephone audio modem interface. The 64180 is to the Z80 what the 80186 is to the 8086 -- instruction compatible but containing lots of on-chip peripherals. The 64180 includes an MMU, dual-channel DMA controller, two ACIAs, two 16-bit counter-timers, a 12-level interrupt controller, and is both 68xx and 80xx bus compatible, all on a 64-pin CMOS chip.
There was also a graphics board, the GT180, which stacked on the main computer and enabled it to display high-resolution color graphics.
- SB180 Technical Manual (v.1.1) (pdf)
- COMM180 Technical Manual (v.1.0) (pdf)
- Original article from BYTE:
- Disk Images (zip, IMD format)
- Monitor source code (asm)
Z8 Computer System
This Z8-based microcontroller system was featured in the July and August, 1981 issues of BYTE and was a single-board computer based on the Zilog Z8 microcontroller. Although the article featured the Z8 with embedded TinyBASIC (making it like the Intel 8052-BASIC chip), it was also available in a FORTH version for $150 more. The Z8MC family included the CPU card (Z8, RAM, serial interface, EPROM), a memory/IO/cassette card, an EPROM programmer, an ADIO card, a serial board and a 16k memory board, all held together with a 5-slot backplane. Cross-assemblers for various host platforms and a triple-voltage power supply rounded out the system.
Kipp Yeakel was kind enough to scan the manuals that he had, including two for the SweetTalker speech board (not a Z8 peripheral, but available at the same time).
Here are the manuals I have so far:
- MicroMint Z8 Microcontroller (BCC01/BCC/11) (pdf)
- MicroMint Z8-FORTH Option (BCC20/BCC21) (pdf)
- Z8 User Manual (pdf)
- Z8 FORTH Manual (pdf)
- TinyBASIC Manual (pdf)
- Z8671 Application Notes (pdf)
- Z8 Technical Manual (pdf)
- Z8 Instruction Set Card (txt)
- SweetTalker Synthesizer (ST22) (pdf)
- SweetTalker dictionary list (pdf)
Motorola Educational Board
Paul Santa-Maria was kind enough to scan for me the instruction manual which was included with the MECB.
Here is the link to Xinu, a GNU-licensed operating system (ES), as well as a copy of a nice BYTE article on the board.
I just ran across a copy of TinyBASIC for the MECB which was based on Palo Alto Tiny BASIC as it appeared in the 5/76 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. This version was modified for the MECB by Gordon Brandly. This should work on the HT68K board I have, so the next project is to port the I/O routines and give it a go.
This version of TB has a somewhat unique syntax, but seems to work well. The archive includes a few BASIC programs, which is nice.
I got my board originally from a rescue at Temple University, and I never used it. This past week (11/2020) I built a serial cable for it and gave it a go. It works! I'm kind of amazed, actually.
For building the serial cables, I would note that the card edge connectors (2x10 IDC, CW Industries CWR-170-20-0003) are getting hard to find (the manual has 3M, AMP and BERG numbers, but I couldn't find those). The DB25F IDC connectors, thankfully, are still readily available. The configuration is already NULLed, so you just need a DE9F-DB25M "AT Modem" cable adapter, and you're good to go.
On the terminal side, I use 9600,8N1 with a 15ms/75ms character/line pacing for ASCII transfers. It's very easy to get BASIC running this way just by uploading the S-Record file.
National Semiconductor
I have a load of documents on National's old "TinyBASIC" single-chip microcontroller with BASIC, the INS8073 (thanks to Scott Vitale for many of these documents):
- App Note 280 "A/D Converters Easily Interface with 70 Series Microprocessors" (pdf)
- Article from Electronic Design (11/22/1980) "One-chip TinyBasic dumps development systems" (pdf)
- Hand-drawn 4-chip SBC design (pdf)
- Article from BYTE (4/82) "An Introduction to NSC Tiny Basic" (pdf)
- INS8070 Family Data Sheet, NSC (pdf)
- INS8073 Data Sheet, NSC (pdf)
- NSC BASICON Microcontroller demo board MC-1N Manual (pdf)
- NatSemi Starplex TinyBASIC User Manual (pdf)
- Octagon Systems SYS-1 Operations Manual (pdf)
- Octagon Systems SYS-1 Professional Utility 1.0 (pdf)
- NatSemi INS8073 Programmers' Reference Card (pdf)
- INS8073 Random AppNotes (pdf)
- Monitor Dump listing (unknown source)(pdf)
- TinyBasic Phoneme listing (unknown source)(pdf)
- NatSemi SC/MP NIBL Reference Guide (pdf)
- System Design using the INS8073 (pdf)
- NatSemi "Using TinyBASIC" (pdf)
When I adopted a NorthStar Horizon, the gentleman gave me all of the hardware manuals that he had. Here's the list of what I had. I have since given the system away.
- NorthStar Basic Version 6 general info doc (pdf)
- NorthStar Monitor Version 1 docs (pdf)
- Source code: TPM PIOS for NorthStar double-density disks (pdf)
- NorthStar DOS programming info (pdf)
- NorthStar ZPB-A Z80 (2.1mb) processor board construction manual
- NorthStar 16k RAM board construction manual. Single PDF (7.2mb) or in parts (part 1 (1.8mb) and part 2 (5.2mb))
- NorthStar HRZ-D Addendum (revised schematics) (pdf)
- Northstar HRZ-D Manual (23.0mb) (pdf)
Random Other Docs
I have an assortment of docs for various S-100 and related hardware, in addition to things that don't fit anywhere else:
- Morrow Designs Disk Jockey 2/D (model B) User's Manual (pdf) (cbios asm)
- Xitex SCT-100 Operation Manual (pdf)
- Cromemco Bytesaver Assembly Manual (1.2mb) (pdf)
- Processor Technology MB1 motherboard Assembly Manual (0.5mb) (pdf)
- Processor Technology 4k SRAM Assembly Manual (0.4mb) (pdf)
- MRS 6800 MPU Card for the Altair (pdf)
- Unidentified manufacturer: S-100 Extender Board/Logic Probe (pdf)
- Godbout Motherboard Instructions (CK-105/109) (pdf)
- Optimal Technology EP-2A-88-4 EPROM Programmer manual (pdf)
- OAE OP-80A Paper Tape Reader (pdf)
- SD Sales 4k SRAM board (pdf)
- SD Systems Versafloppy II disk controller (pdf)
- Book: The Big Blue Seed (pdf)
- Timex-Sinclair ZX-81 Assembly Instructions (pdf)
I have a complete manual set for the Rockwell AIM-65 SBC. The "R6500" books are generic 65xx platform books which go into great detail about system design and programming the 65xx series of MPUs and peripheral chips. You can even see the similarities between the Software Guide and the Commodore VIC-20 Programmer's Reference Guide -- typography, layout, and content are identical. The set consists of five books, as follows:
- R6500 Hardware Guide
- R6500 Programming Manual:
- AIM-65 User's Guide:
- AIM-65 Monitor Program Listing:
- AIM-65 BASIC Language Reference Manual:
- Rockwell/AIM Interactive Users Group Publication (all courtesy of JR):
- AIM-65 Forth Supplement (pdf). This is the first two chapters. Apparently chapter 3 and forward is the same as the 65/40 manual.
- AIM-65 Instant Pascal (manual pdf; 2.7mb) (ROM zip; 21k)
- RM-65 FDC & DOS (manual pdf; 5.4mb) (ROM zip; 11k)
- TIM (Terminal Interface Monitor) Manual (CHTML; 1.1mb)
- MOS Technology MCS6500 Instruction Set Card (pdf)
- Rockwell AIM 65 8k BASIC Reference Card (pdf)
- Rockwell AIM 65 Schematic Poster rev.4 (#29650N52) (pdf)
- Rockwell R6500 Microprocessor Programming Reference Card (pdf)
- Rockwell AIM 65 Summary Card (pdf)
Mike Stein sent me some information and a ROM dump from the AIM Bubble Memory Module
Here are a bunch of schematics and application notes provided by Dave Colglazier at Original Woodworks and and J�rg Sch�ning:
- R6500N08 Application Note RS-232 (pdf)
- R6500N09 Application Note FDC (pdf)
- R6500N12 Application Note CRT (pdf)
- Schematic: Dynatem version of the AIM-65 (pdf)
- Schematic: Rockwell version of the KIM-1 (pdf)
- Schematic: AIM-65 rev.0 (pdf)
- Schematic: AIM-65 rev.1 (pdf)
- Schematic: AIM-65 rev.2 (pdf)
- Schematic: AIM-65 rev.3 (pdf)
- Schematic: AIM-65 rev.4 (pdf)
- Schematic: AIM-65 rev.5 (pdf)
- The Computerist Video Plus ASK Glass TTY manual (pdf)
- The Computerist Video Plus BASIC source code listing (pdf)
- The Computerist Video Plus manual (pdf)
- An data sheet for an AIM-65 to Commodore IEC interface by Excert Incorporated AH5050 (pdf)
- Cubit EPROM programmer for the AIM-65 (pdf)
- Rockwell XPO-1 Single-chip development system (pdf)
- Aeolian Kinetics PD24 Programmable Data Logger (pdf)
- ABC EMB-6 EXORciser Expansion Board (pdf)
- AB Computer Systems Brochure (pdf)
- Cubit 6500 picture (jpg)
- Cubit 6500 SBC Manual (pdf)
I have a few random AIM-65/40 items, and Dave and J�rg Sch�ning periodically send me AIM-65/40 related materials, so I've aggregated them here since that system seems pretty rare for some reason. Not really sure why (cost/limited units).
- AIM-65/40 FORTH Manual (pdf)
- AIM-65/40 Main Board Schematic (pdf)
- AIM-65/40 System Manual (pdf)
- AIM-65/40 System ROM archive (zip)
- AIM-65/40 Schematic (pdf)
BASIC, and the integrated assembler. I also received a ZIP file from Bill Dawson containing ROM images for FORTH and PL/65 (a PL/I interpreter). Thanks, Bill!
Paul Santa-Maria contributed a copy of the manual and a disassembly to go along with the PL/65 ROMs above. Get it here.
I also received recompilable copies of the AIM monitor ROM in an A65 version and a TASM version. Here's a cached copy of A65 v1.04, the assembler used for the A65 source files. The TASM files can be compiled using the Telemark table assembler (TASM) from Squak Valley Software. My personal preference is TASM, which I use for all of my 6502- and 8080-based cross-assembly projects.
Philippe Elie from France sent me ROM dumps of Siemens PC100 BASIC ROMs. Here is the ZIP file with each ROM position indicated. Thanks Philippe!
Philippe Elie and Fabio Polo worked on getting two different versions of Extended BASIC validated. Version 2.1 by GWK and Version 2.3 by GWK are available now. Thanks Philippe and Fabio!
Jeremy Barr-Hyde contributed a copy of the AIM 65 Laboratory Manual And Study Guide by Leo Scanlon. Thanks Jeremy!
I also received a note from Santo Nucifora about his archive of RM65 Development Control System documents. Here's what I have from Santo. Thanks!
- 8K Static RAM Module Users Manual (pdf)
- 16K PROM/ROM Module Users Manual (pdf)
- 32k DRAM Module Users Manual (pdf)
- GPIO/RIOT Module Users Manual (pdf)
- Run-time BASIC Users Manual (pdf)
- Single Board Computer Users Manual (pdf)
Synertek Systems SYM-1
Massimo Sernesi sent me PDFs of the SYM-1 manuals and related items. The SYM-1 was essentially a KIM-1 clone with an expanded feature set.
- SYM-1 Reference Manual:
- Title page to Chapter 3 (0.4mb)
- Chapter 4 (1.3mb)
- Chapter 5 (0.6mb)
- Chapters 6 - 9, Appendix A-H (1.6mb)
- Appendix I - L (chip data sheets, 1.5mb)
- Appendix M (monitor program, 1.8mb)
- BASIC Reference Guide (1.7mb)
- SYM Technical Notes (2.1mb)
- SYMphysis, the SYM-1 Users Group Newsletter: 7 issues
- September 1979 (1.9mb)
- Jan/Feb 1980 (1.7mb)
- Mar/Apr 1980 (2.0mb)
- May/Jun 1980 Part 1 (1.2mb) and Part 2 (1.1mb)
- Jul/Aug 1980 (2.3mb)
- Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec 1980 Part 1 (2.4mb) and Part 2 (1.8mb)
- Jan/Feb/Mar 1981 (1.3mb)
Massimo also sent me a ZIP file containing the ROM images for the 4k system ROM (v1.1) and the 8k BASIC ROM (v1.1). These are straight binary images and can be programmed using conventional tools (except the 6530s). Here is a second ZIP file containing the ROMS for the 6530s.
Tandy/Radio Shack
I have only a couple Tandy machines in my collection -- a complete Model 100 system, a Model I, and a Tandy 2000.
Totally unrelated to the below, while I was trying to add a floppy drive to my Tandy 2000, I came across this document that's a consolidated list of ALL jumpers for every Tandy computer product and peripheral. This is the first time I've seen this service document, so I'm adding it here.
Here's some info on the Tandy systems I have:
Model 100
This was a great little system. Made by Kyocera, this 2.4MHz 80C85-based computer was the first true "laptop" computer at 3.9 pounds. It ran for up to 20 hours on four "AA" batteries and it had a very readable 40x8 character LCD display and a 56-key full-stroke keyboard. For ports, it had parallel, serial, cassette, modem, and bar code reader ports. Well into the 1990's, the trusty 10x series was used by newspaper reporters all over the world.
It is also distinguished as being the last computer for which Bill Gates himself wrote the code.
In addition to manuals, I have included a compressed audio image which can be played back into the Model 100 from the PC sound card with an appropriate audio cable.
My system consists of the following (RSC-11/1984 prices listed except where noted):
- Model 100/24k - 26-3802 ($999.00)
- A/C adapter (6v, 500mA) - 26-3804 ($5.95)
- Second floppy disk drive for DVI (FD-502) - 26-3807 ($239.95) ("New for '85")
- System Brief Case (black hard-shell case) - 26-3809 ($49.95)
- CCR-81 Cassette Drive - 26-1208 ($59.95)
- Desk legs - 26-3812 ($3.99) ("New for '85")
- Parallel printer cable - 26-1409 ($14.95)
- Direct-connect modem cable - 26-1410 ($19.95)
- Acoustic Coupler - 26-3805 ($39.95)
- Disk/Video Interface - 26-3806 ($799.00) ("New for '85"). Provides 40x25 monochrome video screen for the M100.
- Bar Code Reader - 26-1183A ($99.95)
Manuals and Cassette WAV Images
- Tandy Model 100 User's Manual (26-3801/3802 for 8k/24k model) (pdf)
- Tandy Model 100 Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
- Tandy Model 100 Applications Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
- Tandy Model 100 Service Manual (preliminary) (pdf)
- Tandy Model 100 Service Manual (final) (pdf)
- Tandy Model 100 Technical Reference (26-3810) (pdf)
- Acoustic Coupler Owner's Manual (26-3805) (pdf)
- Bar Code Reader (26-1183) (pdf)(wav)
- Disk Video Interface Manual (26-3806) (pdf)
- Disk Video Interface Service Manual (pdf)
- Tandy Model 102 Owner's Manual (26-3803) (pdf)
- Tandy Model 102 Technical Reference (pdf)
- Portable Disk Drive Operations Manual (26-3808) (pdf)
- Portable Disk Drive 2 Operations Manual (26-3814) (pdf)
- Portable Disk Drive 2 Software Manual (pdf)
- Portable Disk Drive Command Summary (pdf)
- VM-2 Monochrome Video Monitor Operations Manual (26-3211) (pdf)
- CCR-81 Cassette Operations Manual (26-1208A) (pdf)
- TRP-100 Thermal Printer Operations Manual (26-1275) (pdf)
- CompuServe Information Service User's Guide (4/83) (pdf)
I also have the following software on cassette or ROMs:
- Personal Finance - 26-3822 ($19.95) (pdf)(wav)
- Investment Analysis - 26-3824 ($69.95) (pdf)(wav)
- Investment Analysis Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
- Spectaculator - 26-3828 ($49.95) (pdf)(wav)
- Spectaculator Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
- Scripsit 100 - 26-3830 ($39.95) (pdf)(wav)
- Scripsit 100 Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
- Function Plotter - 26-3834 ($49.95) (pdf)(wav)
- Starblaze-100 - 26-3840 ($19.95) (pdf)(wav)
- Interactive Solutions ROM - 26-3844 ($149.95) (pdf)(bin)
- Bar Code Generator - 26-3845 ($34.95)(pdf)(wav)
- Bar Code Reader - 26-3846 ($19.95)(pdf)(wav)
Tandy Model 2000
The system I had was the Tandy 2000HD (26-5104). This was an 80186-based computer that was famous for being a non-compatible IBM-compatible. It ran DOS 2.11 and any application that used only MS-DOS API calls. Any application that called "standard" IBM BIOS calls wouldn't work because the BIOS in the Tandy 2000 was a boot ROM only and not a true BIOS in the IBM fashion.
Further, it used 720k DSDD 5.25" floppy drives manufactured my Mitsubishi. The DSDD drive was a short-lived drive format used by only a handful of manufacturers, and was replaced by the 720k 3.5" drive introduced shortly after. The good news is that the DSDD drives could read and write standard IBM-formatted 360k floppies, so you could transfer programs back and forth, subject to the compatibility issues above.
There is a little program called (local copy here) which acts as a device driver for regular MS-DOS on a regular PC with a 1.2mb 5.25" floppy drive which enables MS-DOS to read and write T2K disks.
Complicating matters further, Tandy selected a graphics chipset from SMC that wasn't compatible with the IBM standard CRTC. So, any IBM-compatible program that directly accessed video hardware wouldn't work either.
There's more information about my Tandy 2000 restoration projects on this page. I also started an emulation project but shelved it due to its inherent complexity. I may go back to it at some point.
My machine was equipped with the following hardware (11/1983 prices shown, but this was listed in the RSC-11 catalog as a "New for '84" product):
- Tandy 2000HD system - 26-5104 ($4,250.00)
- CM-1 Color Monitor - 26-5112 ($799.00)
- VM-1 Monochrome Monitor - 26-5111 ($249.00)
- B/W graphics board - 26-5140 ($449.00)
- Color graphics [chip kit] option for B&W Graphics Board - 26-5141 ($199.00) (pdf)
- 128k RAM expansion board - 26-5160 ($299.00) (plugs into motherboard for 256k total)
- 128k RAM expansion board (plugs into expansion slots) - 26-5161 ($499.00)
- 128k RAM expansion option - 26-5162 ($299.00)(chip kit for 26-5161 to bring it up to 256k using 18-64k x 1 chips)
- Parallel printer cable - 26-4401
- Hard disk controller with external connector - AX-9577 (this is included with the HD model or the HD upgrade kit 26-5125)
- Second floppy drive (not included with stock 2000HD model and to my knowledge, not available as a 26-xxxx regular catalog part). I took mine from a parts machine and essentially created a standard 2000 that was upgraded with the HD upgrade kit.
- Tandy DMP-130 - 26-1280 ($359.95) (late model printer -- -more likely printer would have been DMP-500, Daisy-Wheel II or DWP-410)
- PTC-64 Printer Controller (buffer) - 26-1269 ($249.95)
Also, I've discovered that the 10mb Tandon TM-502 drive (MFM, 306/4/17, 5.25" full-height) seems to lose its low-level formatting over time. I replaced it with a Seagate ST-225 (612/4/17), which is a 20mb 5.25" half-height drive. It works like a charm. The only caveat is that you have for format it with DOS 2.11; nothing later. The structure of the hard disk format (i.e., the addition of a partition table) occurred during DOS 3.x and is therefore incompatible. DOS 2.11 appears to be comfortable with any drive less than 32mb.
- Boot ROMs (TMS2532JL-35 EPROMs. U47 is high/odd and U48 is low/even. Also includes HD-Boot versions. (zip)
- MS-DOS 2.11.02, 2.11.03, and Tandy-issued .02 to .03 upgrade (zip)
- BIOS source code listings (zip). Remember, the BIOS wasn't in ROM -- it was part of IO.SYS on the boot disks.
- Reference Guide for the Model 2000 (26-5103) (pdf)
- Introduction to the Model 2000 (26-5103) (pdf)
- MS-DOS Reference Guide for Tandy Model 2000 (26-5103) (pdf)
- BASIC Reference Guide for Tandy Model 2000 (26-5103) (pdf)
- Programmers Reference Guide for the Tandy Model 2000 - 26-5403 ($19.95) (pdf)
- Technical Reference Manual for the Tandy Model 2000 - 26-5404 ($19.95) (pdf)
- "Important Information for Hard Disk Users" supplement (pdf)
- Tandy DMP-130 Printer Operation Manual (26-1280) (pdf)
- PTC-64 Printer Controller Operation Manual (26-1269) (pdf)
Other Tandy/Radio Shack Products Related to the Above
- PTC-64 Printer Controller Service Manual (26-1269) (pdf)
- Radio Shack DMP-105 Printer Operation Manual (26-1276) (pdf)
- Radio Shack DMP-106 Printer Operation Manual (26-2802) (pdf)
- Radio Shack DMP-120 Printer Operation Manual (26-1255) (pdf)
- Radio Shack DMP-132 Printer Operation Manual (26-2814) (pdf)
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Last Updated 04/29/2023 16:38 -0500