Computhink Eagle 32 - software, docs, info?

Jules Richardson jules.richardson99 at
Sun Oct 17 16:04:32 CDT 2021

On 10/17/21 2:18 PM, Joshua Rice wrote:
> I saw that exact thread, and was as intrigued as you. Looks like it
> didn’t have any graphics capability, but instead had a text-based
> terminal built in. Quite unusual to see such a basic machine with such a
> capable CPU.

The Infoworld article claimed 80x25 text, but also 240x512 graphics, 
suggesting that it was pixel addressable.

The overview on the 1000bit site also says Unix ability (which would be 
really interesting given that the machine is contemporary with first 
offerings from companies such as Sun and Masscomp), but I'm not sure how 
much trust to place in that claim.



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