PDP-11 Unix V7M-11 V1.0 under SIMH

Tony Nicholson tony.nicholson at computer.org
Sun Oct 3 01:31:29 CDT 2021

Recently Al Kossow made available a zip file containing a Micro/PDP-11
installation kit for Unix V7M-11 V1.0 on bitsavers as RX50 disk images.

Tinkering away here in Covid lockdown, I've managed to get this running
under SIMH pdp11 emulating an almost historically accurate PDP-11/23 plus.

I've placed the SIMH initialisation file, a couple of RD51 disk images and
an "installation recipe" for making these disks on GitHub at -


While I mainly had exposure to later versions of Unix and Ultrix-11 on
a PDP-11/70 as an undergraduate - this one surely brings back memories!


Tony Nicholson <tony.nicholson at computer.org>

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