Network cards and Win98SE
Grant Taylor
cctalk at
Tue May 14 13:02:34 CDT 2019
On 5/14/19 10:36 AM, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
> Some kind of toy attachment. Not really relevant to the discussion,
The OP wanted a way to get a computer on the network, preferably
wireless, or wired.
The type of device I suggested very early did exactly what the OP
wanted. Said device took a wired connection and bridged it to the
wireless network. That seems very relevant to me.
I suspect the conversation would have gone differently if I didn't call
the device a "gaming adapter" and instead called it a "client ap" /
"network bridge" / "wired to wireless converter" or just about anything
else that didn't have the word "game" in it.
I called it a "gaming adapter" — while saying "broadly" to allow room
for interpretation / difference of opinion / etc — because that's what
I've frequently heard them called in man different areas in the U.S.
I'm not saying that's the proper or best name. I am saying that's what
I and many people in the circles that I travel know them as. Or at
least know that multiple different devices can function as a "gaming
I was taken aback at some of the responses that I perceived as "I don't
have anything to do with gaming and anything related gaming can't
possibly solve my problem or fulfill my need". This is particularly
surprising because I'm used to the cctalk community being open minded
and realizing that the exact same thing, or different things that do the
same function can go by many different names / descriptions. Further, I
think many in the cctalk community are likely known among their friends
for taking something and using it for something completely tangential to
it's original purpose.
I am thankful that it seems like there's been nothing more than ruffled
feathers. I'm grateful that we have all been adults and not restored to
name calling or mud slinging.
I have found this conversation to be eye opening in a number of
different ways. I knew, but have seen confirmation in the thread, that
different people know things as different names, and describe things
based on what they know. More power to them. I've also expanded my
working definitions of things.
I still maintain that the device that connects a device with a wired
Ethernet connection to a Wireless network is relevant to the discussion.
I and many people I talk to classify that device as a "gaming adapter."
Grant. . . .
unix || die
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