Unknown 8085 opcodes
Adrian Graham
witchy at binarydinosaurs.co.uk
Wed Jan 11 12:56:32 CST 2017
On 11/01/2017 17:23, "Tony Duell" <ard.p850ug1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 3463 17AD 08 UNRECOGNIZED
>> 3464 17AE 17 RAL
>> 3465 17AF 53 MOV D,E
>> 3466 17B0 65 MOV H,L
>> 3467 17B1 6C MOV L,H
>> 3468 17B2 65 MOV H,L
>> 3469 17B3 63 MOV H,E
>> 3470 17B4 74 MOV M,H
>> 3471 17B5 20 RIM
> I'm no programmer, but that looks like ascii text to me. Have you
> tried decoding it
> as such?
Indeed, this is the same fragment:
1797 : 12 0D 54 65 6C 65 70 68 " Teleph" db 012H,
00DH, 054H, 065H, 06CH, 065H, 070H, 068H
179F : 6F 6E 65 20 44 65 74 61 "one Deta" db 06FH,
06EH, 065H, 020H, 044H, 065H, 074H, 061H
17A7 : 69 6C 73 01 04 05 08 17 "ils " db 069H,
06CH, 073H, 001H, 004H, 005H, 008H, 017H
17AF : 53 65 6C 65 63 74 20 6E "Select n" db 053H,
065H, 06CH, 065H, 063H, 074H, 020H, 06EH
17B7 : 75 6D 62 65 72 20 74 6F "umber to" db 075H,
06DH, 062H, 065H, 072H, 020H, 074H, 06FH
17BF : 20 63 68 61 6E 67 65 01 " change " db 020H,
063H, 068H, 061H, 06EH, 067H, 065H, 001H
17C7 : 06 00 08 1B 0D 31 20 20 " 1 " db 006H,
000H, 008H, 01BH, 00DH, 031H, 020H, 020H
17CF : 20 50 42 58 20 45 78 74 " PBX Ext" db 020H,
050H, 042H, 058H, 020H, 045H, 078H, 074H
17D7 : 2E 20 20 20 44 69 72 65 ". Dire" db 02EH,
020H, 020H, 020H, 044H, 069H, 072H, 065H
17DF : 63 74 20 4C 69 6E 65 01 "ct Line " db 063H,
074H, 020H, 04CH, 069H, 06EH, 065H, 001H
17E7 : 09 00 08 1A 0D 32 20 20 " 2 " db 009H,
000H, 008H, 01AH, 00DH, 032H, 020H, 020H
17EF : 06 50 72 65 2D 44 69 61 " Pre-Dia" db 006H,
050H, 072H, 065H, 02DH, 044H, 069H, 061H
17F7 : 6C 20 50 61 75 73 65 20 "l Pause " db 06CH,
020H, 050H, 061H, 075H, 073H, 065H, 020H
17FF : 28 73 65 63 73 29 01 0C "(secs) " db 028H,
073H, 065H, 063H, 073H, 029H, 001H, 00CH
1807 : 01 08 25 0D 20 20 20 31 " % 1" db 001H,
008H, 025H, 00DH, 020H, 020H, 020H, 031H
180F : 2E 35 20 20 20 32 2E 30 ".5 2.0" db 02EH,
035H, 020H, 020H, 020H, 032H, 02EH, 030H
1817 : 20 20 20 32 2E 35 20 20 " 2.5 " db 020H,
020H, 020H, 032H, 02EH, 035H, 020H, 020H
181F : 20 33 2E 30 20 20 20 33 " 3.0 3" db 020H,
033H, 02EH, 030H, 020H, 020H, 020H, 033H
1827 : 2E 35 20 20 20 34 2E 30 ".5 4.0" db 02EH,
035H, 020H, 020H, 020H, 034H, 02EH, 030H
182F : 01 12 00 08 22 0D 34 20 " " 4 " db 001H,
012H, 000H, 008H, 022H, 00DH, 034H, 020H
1837 : 20 06 50 42 58 2F 4F 75 " PBX/Ou" db 020H,
006H, 050H, 042H, 058H, 02FH, 04FH, 075H
183F : 74 73 69 64 65 20 4C 69 "tside Li" db 074H,
073H, 069H, 064H, 065H, 020H, 04CH, 069H
1847 : 6E 65 20 50 61 75 73 65 "ne Pause" db 06EH,
065H, 020H, 050H, 061H, 075H, 073H, 065H
184F : 20 28 73 65 63 73 29 01 " (secs) " db 020H,
028H, 073H, 065H, 063H, 073H, 029H, 001H
I was trying to work out why this phone system does nothing but 3 distinct
separate loops before heading off doing.....something. Obviously a delay
timer waiting for something else to start but why 3 different ones and not
one long one. Interrupts disabled too.
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