Unknown 8085 opcodes

Fred Cisin cisin at xenosoft.com
Wed Jan 11 11:34:06 CST 2017

Looks more like data, than code.
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On Wed, 11 Jan 2017, Adrian Graham wrote:
> By the same reasoning 0xD9 could be XRL A,R1 (opcode 11011xxx) and 0xDD
> could be XRL A,R5 but can't match the others. Also the surrounding code
> doesn't mention those registers.
> Example 8085 code fragment:
> 3440   1792 09                  DAD B
> 3441   1793 01 01 08            LXI B,0801H
> 3442   1796 08                  UNRECOGNIZED
> 3443   1797 12                  STAX D
> 3444   1798 0D                  DCR C
> 3445   1799 54                  MOV D,H
> 3446   179A 65                  MOV H,L
> 3447   179B 6C                  MOV L,H
> 3448   179C 65                  MOV H,L
> 3449   179D 70                  MOV M,B
> 3450   179E 68                  MOV L,B
> 3451   179F 6F                  MOV L,A
> 3452   17A0 6E                  MOV L,M
> 3453   17A1 65                  MOV H,L
> 3454   17A2 20                  RIM
> 3455   17A3 44                  MOV B,H
> 3456   17A4 65                  MOV H,L
> 3457   17A5 74                  MOV M,H
> 3458   17A6 61                  MOV H,C
> 3459   17A7 69                  MOV L,C
> 3460   17A8 6C                  MOV L,H
> 3461   17A9 73                  MOV M,E
> 3462   17AA 01 04 05            LXI B,0504H
> 3463   17AD 08                  UNRECOGNIZED
> 3464   17AE 17                  RAL
> 3465   17AF 53                  MOV D,E
> 3466   17B0 65                  MOV H,L
> 3467   17B1 6C                  MOV L,H
> 3468   17B2 65                  MOV H,L
> 3469   17B3 63                  MOV H,E
> 3470   17B4 74                  MOV M,H
> 3471   17B5 20                  RIM

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