Bull DPX/2 and B.O.S. help wanted.

Torfinn Ingolfsen tingox at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 14:35:07 CST 2016


On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 11:09 AM, Pontus Pihlgren <pontus at update.uu.se> wrote:
> I have a OS install kit with bootable floppies and I managed to get a
> prompt using the "boot_unix" floppy and following the manuals that I
> have.
> However, not even "ls" would work from this prompt, only "cat". (You are
> supposed to enter "os_install", but I don't want to mess up the existing
> installtion.

I don't have experience with Bull at all. However, I have some
experience with other limited environments.
Does "echo" work?
If it does, you can try "echo *" as a (poor) substitute for "ls".
Apologies if you already know this.

Torfinn Ingolfsen

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