Testing floppy drives

Alexandre Souza alexandre.tabajara at gmail.com
Thu May 28 12:32:57 CDT 2015

    Howdy guys, greetings (as always) from Brazil! :o)

    I'm in a repairing spree! Got 5 (!) CP-500 (Brazilian TRS-80/III clone) 
to repair. All of them with single/double sided floppy drives, and the whole 
nine yards.

    Since it is not pratical to test all these drives on CP500, is there a 
good software solution I can use on a PC for floppy drive testing? Something 
that makes repairing easier? Long time I don't get so many drives to 


Enviado do meu Apple IIGS (pq eu sou chique)
Meu site: http://www.tabalabs.com.br
Meu blog: http://tabajara-labs.blogspot.com

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