Wanted: ASM-48 for Intellec MDS-2

Alexandre Souza alexandre.tabajara at gmail.com
Sun May 17 14:55:08 CDT 2015

As far as I remember, + 25 isnt used for rom reading. You can read any
8048/8049 as 8748/8749 with no danger. And they have no soft protection. So
any uc *48 and *49 can be copied.

enviado do meu telemovel
Em 17/05/2015 16:48, "Eric Smith" <spacewar at gmail.com> escreveu:

> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Richard B. Main, Esq.
> <mainpatents at gmail.com> wrote:
> > The 8041 has the same pinout as the Intel 8741 programmable.
> It's the same pinout, but the 8041 is NOT rated for application of
> +25V to the EA pin, as used to do ROM verification of the 8741.
> > A Pro-Log M980 PROM Programmer with a PM 9054 personality module can
> read out the programs
> > inside.
> Does the Pro-Log have a specific setting for 8041, or are you using
> the 8741 setting and overstressing the part?
> I've successfully read 8048 parts using a programmer configured for
> 8748, but I only did that on parts that I could afford to sacrifice. I
> don't have spares of the IOC 8041A, so I'm building a kludge to read
> it properly without applying 25V to EA.

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