Computers_With_BASIC_in_ROM / was Re: Texas Instruments CC-40 won't boot

drlegendre . drlegendre at
Sun May 3 15:33:01 CDT 2015

Do the tandy Model 100 / 102 / 200 machines qualify? They all have MS Basic
in ROM - in fact, I think BG may have done that coding..?

On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Pete Turnbull <pete at>

> On 03/05/2015 17:10, Chris Osborn wrote:
>> On May 3, 2015, at 9:01 AM, Pete Turnbull <pete at>
>> wrote:
>>  It wouldn't be removed in normal use
>  Is it in a cartridge that can easily be removed by the user
> It can be very easily removed by a user, without any tools.  As can the
> BASIC ROM in a UK101 :-)  I don't think that's the point, though.
> --
> Pete
> Pete Turnbull

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