DTSS Simulator BASIC Programming Contest - 2015 CoCoFEST

Kip Koon computerdoc at sc.rr.com
Thu Jan 8 23:16:18 CST 2015

Hi Everyone!

Here is a reminder that the Glenside Color Computer Club is holding a BASIC Programming Contest using the Dartmouth Time Sharing System Simulator honoring the Creation of the BASIC Computer Programming Language at the 2015 CoCoFEST this April 25-26, 2015 in Lombard, IL at the Heron Point Building.  See the link below for details of the Contest and click on “CoCoFEST” on the left for further details of the CoCoFEST itself.


I’m looking forward to seeing you at the CoCoFEST!


Kip Koon

computerdoc at sc.rr.com



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