Video grabber, for NTSC type video signals

Douglas Taylor dj.taylor4 at
Thu Apr 16 08:12:48 CDT 2015

On 4/16/2015 12:22 AM, jwsmobile wrote:
> The heart of this is a sync chip.  I'm wondering if someone has any 
> ideas about perhaps using such to grab the video from IBM Mono, CGA, 
> EGA or the sun mono type video monitors to name a few.
> I would love to be able to have a device which grabs these video 
> frames, and converts them for graphic display or capture, rather than 
> having to have a physical monitor around for each of these.
> This is a fairly economical board, and would be easy to justify using 
> it with any system to convert the video, as well for a bench device.
> Any suggestions for a way to convert these to VGA, or even better 
> where things seem to be going for DVI would be useful.
> thanks
> Jim
> Nootropicdesign  Video Experimenter.
There is a company, Epiphan, that sells VGA2USB devices for just such a 
thing.  New, they are quite expensive, so I took a chance and purchased 
a used one off ebay to see how it works.  I also would like to capture 
the video signal that is going to the monitor.

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