Video grabber, for NTSC type video signals

jwsmobile jws at
Wed Apr 15 23:22:13 CDT 2015

The heart of this is a sync chip.  I'm wondering if someone has any 
ideas about perhaps using such to grab the video from IBM Mono, CGA, EGA 
or the sun mono type video monitors to name a few.

I would love to be able to have a device which grabs these video frames, 
and converts them for graphic display or capture, rather than having to 
have a physical monitor around for each of these.

This is a fairly economical board, and would be easy to justify using it 
with any system to convert the video, as well for a bench device.

Any suggestions for a way to convert these to VGA, or even better where 
things seem to be going for DVI would be useful.


Nootropicdesign  Video Experimenter.

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