Setting up a VMS system

Zane Healy healyzh at
Wed Sep 22 13:31:47 CDT 2021

On Sep 22, 2021, at 11:21 AM, Antonio Carlini <a.carlini at> wrote:
> On 22/09/2021 17:05, Zane Healy wrote:
>> Interesting, I have 3 34GB drives in my cluster, and haven’t had any issue.
> I think I was running OpenVMS VAX V7.2 on SIMH. IIRC it was fixed in V7.3 (someone sent me the DECUS Hobbyist V7.3 release and that was OK).

That would explain it, I’m running OpenVMS/VAX v7.3 along with OpenVMS/Alpha v8.3 and v8.4 in the cluster.  What really surprised me is that SIMH can serve up an ODS-5 disk on the Cluster for OpenVMS/Alpha.


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