8" disk drive questions...

geneb geneb at deltasoft.com
Sun Oct 31 11:57:35 CDT 2021

I'm working with the developer of the Applesauce disk imaging tool in 
order to iron out some issues with 8" disk support.

I'm using a Qumetrak 842 disk drive that's got support for both double and 
single-sided media.  This means that it's equipped with two index hole 
sensors, slightly offset from one another.  It's my understanding that 
single-sided media has the index hole in one spot on the jacket, and 
double-sided media has one in a slightly different location.

The issue at hand is some NIB Dysan double-sided 8" media I have - the 
disks have index holes in the jacket in both locations.  Is this typical, 
or do I have some weird "special" disks on my hands?  The Applesauce 
author posits that the combination of the dual-sensor drive and the 
dual-hole media wouldn't typically find themselves together.  Is this 
accurate?  If it's not, how would a system contemporary with the media 
have handled the two index holes?



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