Digital DEC 3000

Robin Lasbury rob.laz at
Tue Apr 27 01:36:47 CDT 2021

I am new to the list so please excuse me for leaving out a few essential 
elements of my message.

I am in Cardiff in the UK and would prefer collection of the Digital DEC 
3000 unit as it is large and heavy and would not be easy to arrange 

I am happy to wait for a few weeks/months until covid restrictions are 
fully lifted and would really like the item to go to someone who 
appreciates its heritage.

I have an old DEC 3000 unit that I no longer have time or space for, and 
was wondering what to do with it.

The rear plate shows PE42A-B9, CPU KN17, DEC 3000 600S and the ROM has a 
sticker showing Dec 1989.

I have a video cable but not a suitable monitor so can't fully test it 
but I think it is booting up OK as the diagnostic LED's on the rear show 
11011101 or DD in hex which I think means it has booted OK to console.

It has been running in the past and my last efforts were probably 10+ 
years ago when I installed VMS version 7 with a guest licence.

I also have a few peripherals including a SZ12 disk unit, LK201 
keyboard, circular mouse and various SCSI and video cables.

It has been stored in my garage which is not totally sealed so it has 
suffered a little corrosion to the rear connectors but it looks recoverable.

All thoughts and opinions welcome.

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