Scanning incomplete and updated documents

Alan Perry aperry at
Thu Apr 16 10:52:49 CDT 2020

I recently received a bunch of hardware/software documents to scan. I am 
only roughly familiar with the systems covered by the docs. I have 
encountered a couple situations that I would like guidance on.

1. One document is a software installation manual in a loose leaf binder 
with other documents. It has a title page, tables of contents, etc., 
several chapters, and then it gets interesting. It has several appendix 
sections (starting at A), an index, then more appendix sections 
(starting at A as well), and then another index. The document title and 
its font match of the second set of appendix sections and second index 
matches the table of contents and chapters. The first set of appendix 
sections and index are a little different. The topics covered in the 
sets of appendix sections are not the same.

Should I create two different pdfs with different appendix sections or 
create a single pdf with both sets?

2. One document is missing the title page and table of contents. Should 
the pdf just be what I have or should I create those pages for the pdf?



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