Identifying Machine for DEC Memory

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Apr 1 09:39:17 CDT 2020

On Wed, 1 Apr 2020 at 16:13, Rob Jarratt <robert.jarratt at> wrote:
> This is the listing:

That is... not very informative. :-(

I also note that the listing just says VS4000 and does not specify a model.

It could be one of 5 different models, all of different speeds: a
4000/60, 90, 90A, 96 or VLC.

Could you just put the DIMM onto a flatbed scanner or something?

The -12 on the chip part number implies 120ns RAM to me. That is slow
by modern standards -- before EDO came in, PCs tended to take 70ns,
80ns was slow and 60ns was fast. 120ns would be quick enough for a
4000/60 or 4000/90, marginal for a 4000/90a and too slow for a VLC or

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