Daisywhell typewriter emulating a TTY

Chuck Guzis cclist at sydex.com
Wed Apr 10 13:38:50 CDT 2019

On 4/10/19 11:29 AM, Fred Cisin via cctech wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2019, Chuck Guzis via cctech wrote:
>> Aw, that's too bad!  The original Model I (CADET) 1620 had a console
>> typewriter (was it based on the IBM Model B electric?) that gyrated
>> enough, particularly on carriage returns, that made you wonder if it was
>> going to fly to pieces at any time.  It was all part of the experience.
> Immaculately maintained equipment, such as at the CHM, also doesn't have
> the burnt oil smell that used to be associated with real world EAM.

Or the grime--such as replacing a shredded ribbon on a line printer.

Or roaches and mice under the raised floor...


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