Teac Mt-2st/20D-12-u

allison allisonportable at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 22:23:43 CDT 2018

On 10/07/2018 01:48 PM, Craig Ruff via cctech wrote:
> I used to have a SCSI interface version of that drive type, I made backups of my Mac Plus (I think it was) hard drive.  Since I don't have it currently, I believe I gave it to a friend along with the rest of my Mac Plus peripherals.  I don't recall the capacity of my specific drive, but it used a "data cassette", which had a notch in the tape case to prevent use of regular cassette tapes.
The version I have is not SCSI.

The part number looks up in the manual  as 90ips, Ferrite head and D/CAS
as the interface.

I've never had any Mac hardware before the Macbook, or VME.


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