Text encoding Babel. Was Re: George Keremedjiev

Fred Cisin cisin at xenosoft.com
Sun Nov 25 18:46:50 CST 2018

On Sun, 25 Nov 2018, Frank McConnell via cctalk wrote:
> I have been told that in the 1960s taking a course in FORTRAN 
> programming fulfilled the foreign language requirement at UC Berkeley.

Not currently, and I have some doubt about then.

But, there are conflicting staatements.
One section requires that it be a MODERN language, but with specific 
exceptions for ASL and "classical languages, such as Latin and Greek".
Is FORTRAN considered modern enough?

There are still MANY schools arguing about whether to accept ASL (American 
Sign Language, as used by Deaf people). I would think that therefore, BSL 
(British Sign Language) should qualify.

What about APL?  Although its structure is fairly straight-forward, it 
does, indeed, have a unique character set.

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