What is windoes doing?

geneb geneb at deltasoft.com
Mon Nov 19 11:13:19 CST 2018

On Mon, 19 Nov 2018, Ethan via cctalk wrote:

>> I have a question. I use the USB port for serial. In my program, I use a 
>> fixed com port. When going to the control panel, I find that I see (in use) 
>> tags on some of the com ports. I'm the only one currently using the com 
>> ports but recently another (in use) showed up, requiring me to modify my 
>> program to use another com port. How does one unuse a com port? how do I 
>> find out what is using it so I can stop it? I'm using windows 7 
>> professional. Has anyone else had this problem? Dwight
> Do you unplug the USB to Serial dongle with a terminal program open?
FYI, "In Use" doesn't mean the port is actively used by another process, 
it means that the /name/ has been assigned and isn't available to assign 
to a new COM device.


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