RT-11 V4 MU-BASIC help

Fritz Mueller fritzm at fritzm.org
Thu Mar 29 20:46:34 CDT 2018

Hello all,

I would like to try and get MU-BASIC working on my PDP-11/45, under RT-11 V4.  The best bits I've been able to find to work with so far are the RK05 image here:


...but I've not had much success getting this to work under simh.  Using the 1USER.CNF configuration file in this image, no matter how I configure the machine, I get either traps, halts, or stack violations when issuing the first command in basic.

Trying to rebuild MU-BASIC using the indirect files in the image results in a linker barf on some undefined symbols.

Has anybody else here had much luck getting MU-BASIC up and running under RT-11 V4?  Is there an alternate image or distribution kit somewhere that I could try to work with?

	thanks much,

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