Fairly Extensive Singer/Friden "System Ten" Computer System for Rescue

Shoppa, Tim tshoppa at wmata.com
Thu Aug 9 08:28:37 CDT 2018

I had been told for decades that there was a flight simulator that used a Singer System Ten and that United Airlines operated it outside Chicago for some unreasonably long time.

This was "Urban Legend you wouldn't believe it but that's what the bosses wanted" stuff back in the 1990's. Using a business computer (especially one that looked like an overgrown Frieden calculators from the 1960's) to run a flight simulator always seemed odd to me, to the point of making the story not quite believable.

Other Singer-Link flight simulators that I knew of, used GP4's or Sigma-5's and then the Sigma-5 clones.

Tim N3QE

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