Need manual for a floppy drive...

geneb geneb at
Mon Jan 30 11:20:11 CST 2017

On Mon, 30 Jan 2017, Chuck Guzis wrote:

> On 01/30/2017 08:51 AM, geneb wrote:
>>> According to the schematic, in the DS position, the LED is not
>> Well like I mentioned previously, the logic board in the Panasonic
>> drive looks *nothing* like the one in the Shugart manual. :)
> Well, as nearly as I can tell with mine.  If you set the jumper to UA
> and ground pin 4,  (no other signals present), the LED will come on.
> That is, the connection to the IU pin in that case is very simple.
I'll give it a shot when I get a chance.


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