Restoring a VT50 (VT52 actually) .

Chuck Guzis cclist at
Thu Dec 28 13:58:43 CST 2017

On 12/28/2017 11:44 AM, Stefan Skoglund via cctalk wrote:

> Surströmming isn't a christmas tradition.
> It is more like a late august,september tradition (or in summer together
> with the season potatoes, onion and bread.)
> the  sale of this year surströmming was until 1998 legally delayed until
> the third thursday in august (the herring is fished in early spring
> april-may.)

Neither are selenium rectifiers a Christmas tradition--at least not in
any society that I know of.

Just trying to throw a little aroma into the mix.   I suppose one could
also add durian for a memorably odoriferous experience.


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