HP breakup... Website & ftp being trashed ... save what you can

Swift Griggs swiftgriggs at gmail.com
Fri May 6 11:44:37 CDT 2016

If you care, you might want to check out:

I'm always updating firmware on older alphas and I've noticed this site 
has undergone some changes lately. I've also noticed that HP's web sites 
have been absolutely trashed for a couple of years now. However, now many 
alpha related searches return 0 results on most of their portals. When you 
do find something, it's often a dead link. Many of the Tru64 pages are all 
a broken link, broken CSS, shambles.

Anyhow, my trust in HP is at an all-time-low (more than I even knew was 
possible after I got my whopping $26 dollar settlement for them ripping 
folks off on ink cartridges and getting class-action-sued for it). 
Unsurprisingly, they can't even run a website anymore, and even the FTP 
site seems to be feeling the shake up (directories moving around, things 
obviously undergoing some major changes). So, you might want to grab 
whatever you need off the post-Fiorina walking corpse of HP before they go 
full zombie and eat their own brains and lose everything. There are 
patches, firmware etc... many things their management would probably 
remove if they were literate enough to know they still had them online in 
an undamaged form (folks so often forget about FTP).


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