Olivetti M24 Mounting Bushes for Bus Converter

Chuck Guzis cclist at sydex.com
Fri Mar 25 17:14:46 CDT 2016

On 03/25/2016 02:25 PM, Robert Jarratt wrote:

> I have posted the pictures here:
> https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=FC758A5A91B91301!5776&authkey=!AOs6cfg
> The pictures show three things:
> 1. The square holes that the mountings go into. 2. The top and bottom
> side of the steel mountings. 3. The top and bottom sides of the nylon
> (?) mountings.
> I find myself to really need the steel mountings to be able to mount
> the bus converter, I am hopeful that I can move a couple of existing
> nylon ones.

Ah, thanks for saving me the trouble of digging out my own 6300.

The exact nylon standoffs might be a bit difficult, but the metal parts 
could easily be replaced with plain old threaded hex standoffs.  The 
original metal standoffs are press-fitted into place and my guess that 
they'll be difficult to find, even if you do own an appropriate press

The great thing is that the holes for both types are recessed on the 
bottom, so that getting a good mounting using a washer-head machine 
screw should be no problem. I've got bags of aluminum hex standoffs of 
various sizes and find them to be invaluable.  Jameco also offers a 
somewhat more limited selection.

Here's Mouser's 578 pages of standoff choices:


So maybe not original, but close enough functionally.


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