Front Panels - PDP8 and PDP 11

Rod Smallwood rodsmallwood52 at
Wed Mar 9 17:14:22 CST 2016

     Our cam was fitted with a high grade Ziess lens that cost a fortune 
even then,


On 09/03/2016 18:03, COURYHOUSE at wrote:
> ""The cameras (they were huge) and the darkend rooms they worked
> in no  longer exist.""
> These cameras  you speak of were wonderful....  I  rode a  Robetson   for
> part of a summer  making halftones and line  shots  for a print shop in  AZ
> here.  In my off time  I was  allowed  to  shoot  all the old  docs  and old
>   Eastman Kodak camera catalogs  I wanted to and print them  up as
> posters!  The  lens was a Goerz Red Dot  Artar and the  sharpest  flat  field  lens
>   I  had ever  used!!
> Back to computer panels.... Rod  thanks for  doing the   work  to create
> these!
> ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (
> In a message dated 3/2/2016 3:32:48 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
> rodsmallwood52 at writes:
> Hi  Guys
> Having  got  8/e (A & B)  plus 8/f and  8/m into
> production its  time I made a few comments.
> The aim has always been to reproduce the  original panels using the
> process DEC used all those years  ago.
> Needless to say we had to go through the learning curve with only
> photographs, scans and one 8/m original
> panel to go on.
> In the  interests of origiality I have kept what we used call 'features'
> as found  in the documentation and the sample we had.
> I'm trying to reproduce the  original, not produce an improved or fixed
> version.
> The only  process deviations I have allowed myself are as  follows:
> 1. The original versions would have been drawn twice full size by
> hand on matt paper in indian ink.
> One sheet per colo(u)r would have been requred. They would
> then have used  a process camera
> to reduce to one to one  positive masters on clear acetate film.
> The cameras (they were huge) and the darkend rooms they worked
> in no  longer exist.
> I used to do  just that in the early '70's but whats weird is
> where I worked is less  than 50 yards
> from the silk screen  studio doing the work now.
> Now  I use Inkscape and its layers to do the same thing. The
> screeners have an  Epson printer
> the size of a piano  to print my layers in black onto clear
> film. After that the process is the  same as it was.
> They take a fine  meshed cloth streched onto a frame. Its
> coated (by hand) with a photo  sensitive
> emulsion, when dry it  gets exposed through the master using
> a UV light source.
> The the parts proteced by black on the master are  water
> soluable and get washed out  and hence
> let the ink through. So one screen per layer is  required
> 2.      DEC would have printed the images  first and routed or milled the
> holes using some kind jig later.
> As long as the hole stayed inside the white  line that was
> deemed to be OK.
> We drill (laser cut) first and screen  afterwards.
> Regards
> Rod

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