Looking to buy a Tektronix 405x computer.

Jos Dreesen jos.dreesen at bluewin.ch
Sun Feb 21 23:25:14 CST 2016

On 22.02.2016 00:35, Ian Finder wrote:
> I've been looking for one of these for ages- I have a lead on a TeK storage
> tube terminal and will make a trip for it as soon as I can, but I'd love to
> find one of the computers.
> I'll pay for one in any condition and shipping from anywhere I can find
> one. Does anyone have a lead? Please let me know...

I have 2 4052, but they are in Europe...
Also tons of spares, including a NOS CRT for them.

Too bad both of them only have the tape cartridge, and cartidges from Tek did not age well...


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