This is sad...

Noel Chiappa jnc at
Sat Oct 3 16:07:03 CDT 2015

    > From: Johnny Billquist

    > Which is a big reason I dislike eBay, people who chop computers and and
    > sell them in bits, and people who go on lists and ask "how much is this
    > worth?", since in many cases it's because they're trying to figure out
    > how much money they can make
    > ...
    > It's all just money...

Well, I agree, sometimes the machine is disassmbled in a way that harms the
components, or vital components are thrown away/re-cycled because 'they don't
seem like they are useful/valuable' (case in point, cables - people save the
boards, and throw away the cables - as a result of which, for many boards, we
have more boards than we need, and no cables).

On the other hand, if this stuff _wasn't_ worth money, most people would just
re-cycle it, or pitch it. That would be better?


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