One more try - Can you ID this S-100 Serial board?

Chuck Guzis cclist at
Thu Oct 1 18:46:01 CDT 2015

On 10/01/2015 04:36 PM, Chris Elmquist wrote:

> They claim "Embedded Control know-how since 1984." but you have 1980
> and 1981 date code parts on your board.   It's possible they made
> the board before they knew how however.  That is not unheard of.
> :-)
> If you know the provenance of your Altair, maybe it's possible it
> was at one time owned by an MCT employee or was actually used at MCT
> as a development system.

The problem is that there are and have been many, many "MCT" 
organizations.  Just an image search for corporate logos for MCT shows a 
bewildering array to choose from.


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