Hex to Octal (3 digit) converer

Don North north at alum.mit.edu
Mon May 4 00:58:54 CDT 2015

On 5/3/2015 9:31 PM, Philip Lord wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m looking for a program (or preferably an online conversion site, as I use Macintosh) that can convert a long stream of Hex, to 3 digit Octal.
> I have found one site that works ok (http://www.kjetil-hartveit.com/blog/10/hex-binary-decimal-octal-and-ascii-converter <http://www.kjetil-hartveit.com/blog/10/hex-binary-decimal-octal-and-ascii-converter>), but the octal it outputs is not always 3 digits long. Unfortunately I then need to manually add the missing ‘0’s, which can be a huge pain for long listings, and open to human error.
> For example the above site does….
> Entering this:
> 0E 09 11 1B 01 CD 05 00
> Outputs this:
> 16 11 21 33 1 315 5 0
> But I want this:
> 016 011 021 033 001 315 005 000
> Does anyone know of a good site (or some good software)?
> Much thanks
> Phil

Here is a perl one-liner that does what you want:

perl -n -e 'print join(" ",map(sprintf("%03o",hex($_)),split(" ")))."\n";'


~[514] perl -n -e 'print join(" ",map(sprintf("%03o",hex($_)),split(" ")))."\n";'
1 2 3 de ad be
001 002 003 336 255 276

I typed the red line as input data, the program output the blue line.
You can also use standard unix file indirection or piping as well on the program 


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