A 'good-enough' H960 |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| PDP11 masthead replica

Paul Koning paulkoning at comcast.net
Thu Jul 9 14:54:42 CDT 2015

> On Jul 9, 2015, at 3:35 PM, Adam Sampson <ats at offog.org> wrote:
> steven at malikoff.com writes:
>> I would like the dimensions of the width and height.
> I've got one of these panels that came from the UKC machine room. I've
> put some photos of it, along with a 600dpi scan of the front, here:
>  http://photos.offog.org/pdp11-panel/g/

Nice photos.

Do NOT lose that Unix “license plate”.  The one you have is the original one, which was made as an unauthorized project by Armando Stettner in the very early days of Unix support at DEC.  It’s rare.  There are others that have a Digital logo on them somewhere which are more common, and official, but not as interesting.


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