Resurrecting RK05

Marc Howard cramcram at
Tue Jan 6 15:36:51 CST 2015

I would definitely replace the foam around the squarish tube that supplies
air to the pack.  That's the worst place for a foam particle to break off.

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 10:59 AM, tony duell <ard at> wrote:

> >
> > I am also wondering, that since I have very few PDP8-sectored RK05
> packs, and a ton of PDP-11 sectored
> >  packs, if , when I first power up the drive after it has been connected
> up to the RK8E , I can put one of my PDP 11 > packs in there and spin it
> up, if the controller will be able to load the heads?    I'd much rather
> sacrifice one of
> > these packs if there are problems rather than risk one of my precious
> PDP-8 sectored packs.
> An RK05 will spin up and load the heads without a controller. It is a darn
> good idea to have a terminator
> fitted (otherwise noise on the interface lines can do interesting things,
> like cause write glitches, don't ask
> how I found that out).
> It does need a pack with the slotted hub so that the drive electronics can
> tell the drive is up to speed before
> it tries to load the heads. But obviously a 12 sector (PDP11) pack will do
> for that.
> So yes, you can use a PDP11 type of pack to see if the heads will fly even
> though the drive is on an RK8/E
> -tony

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